2020-07-01 14:20:57 +02:00

187 lines
5.4 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
option java_package = "com.coreos.dex.api";
package api;
// Client represents an OAuth2 client.
message Client {
string id = 1;
string secret = 2;
repeated string redirect_uris = 3;
repeated string trusted_peers = 4;
bool public = 5;
string name = 6;
string logo_url = 7;
// CreateClientReq is a request to make a client.
message CreateClientReq {
Client client = 1;
// CreateClientResp returns the response from creating a client.
message CreateClientResp {
bool already_exists = 1;
Client client = 2;
// DeleteClientReq is a request to delete a client.
message DeleteClientReq {
// The ID of the client.
string id = 1;
// DeleteClientResp determines if the client is deleted successfully.
message DeleteClientResp {
bool not_found = 1;
// UpdateClientReq is a request to update an exisitng client.
message UpdateClientReq {
string id = 1;
repeated string redirect_uris = 2;
repeated string trusted_peers = 3;
string name = 4;
string logo_url = 5;
// UpdateClientResp returns the reponse form updating a client.
message UpdateClientResp {
bool not_found = 1;
// TODO(ericchiang): expand this.
// Password is an email for password mapping managed by the storage.
message Password {
string email = 1;
// Currently we do not accept plain text passwords. Could be an option in the future.
bytes hash = 2;
string username = 3;
string user_id = 4;
// CreatePasswordReq is a request to make a password.
message CreatePasswordReq {
Password password = 1;
// CreatePasswordResp returns the response from creating a password.
message CreatePasswordResp {
bool already_exists = 1;
// UpdatePasswordReq is a request to modify an existing password.
message UpdatePasswordReq {
// The email used to lookup the password. This field cannot be modified
string email = 1;
bytes new_hash = 2;
string new_username = 3;
// UpdatePasswordResp returns the response from modifying an existing password.
message UpdatePasswordResp {
bool not_found = 1;
// DeletePasswordReq is a request to delete a password.
message DeletePasswordReq {
string email = 1;
// DeletePasswordResp returns the response from deleting a password.
message DeletePasswordResp {
bool not_found = 1;
// ListPasswordReq is a request to enumerate passwords.
message ListPasswordReq {}
// ListPasswordResp returns a list of passwords.
message ListPasswordResp {
repeated Password passwords = 1;
// VersionReq is a request to fetch version info.
message VersionReq {}
// VersionResp holds the version info of components.
message VersionResp {
// Semantic version of the server.
string server = 1;
// Numeric version of the API. It increases everytime a new call is added to the API.
// Clients should use this info to determine if the server supports specific features.
int32 api = 2;
// RefreshTokenRef contains the metadata for a refresh token that is managed by the storage.
message RefreshTokenRef {
// ID of the refresh token.
string id = 1;
string client_id = 2;
int64 created_at = 5;
int64 last_used = 6;
// ListRefreshReq is a request to enumerate the refresh tokens of a user.
message ListRefreshReq {
// The "sub" claim returned in the ID Token.
string user_id = 1;
// ListRefreshResp returns a list of refresh tokens for a user.
message ListRefreshResp {
repeated RefreshTokenRef refresh_tokens = 1;
// RevokeRefreshReq is a request to revoke the refresh token of the user-client pair.
message RevokeRefreshReq {
// The "sub" claim returned in the ID Token.
string user_id = 1;
string client_id = 2;
// RevokeRefreshResp determines if the refresh token is revoked successfully.
message RevokeRefreshResp {
// Set to true is refresh token was not found and token could not be revoked.
bool not_found = 1;
message VerifyPasswordReq {
string email = 1;
string password = 2;
message VerifyPasswordResp {
bool verified = 1;
bool not_found = 2;
// Dex represents the dex gRPC service.
service Dex {
// CreateClient creates a client.
rpc CreateClient(CreateClientReq) returns (CreateClientResp) {};
// UpdateClient updates an existing client
rpc UpdateClient(UpdateClientReq) returns (UpdateClientResp) {};
// DeleteClient deletes the provided client.
rpc DeleteClient(DeleteClientReq) returns (DeleteClientResp) {};
// CreatePassword creates a password.
rpc CreatePassword(CreatePasswordReq) returns (CreatePasswordResp) {};
// UpdatePassword modifies existing password.
rpc UpdatePassword(UpdatePasswordReq) returns (UpdatePasswordResp) {};
// DeletePassword deletes the password.
rpc DeletePassword(DeletePasswordReq) returns (DeletePasswordResp) {};
// ListPassword lists all password entries.
rpc ListPasswords(ListPasswordReq) returns (ListPasswordResp) {};
// GetVersion returns version information of the server.
rpc GetVersion(VersionReq) returns (VersionResp) {};
// ListRefresh lists all the refresh token entries for a particular user.
rpc ListRefresh(ListRefreshReq) returns (ListRefreshResp) {};
// RevokeRefresh revokes the refresh token for the provided user-client pair.
// Note that each user-client pair can have only one refresh token at a time.
rpc RevokeRefresh(RevokeRefreshReq) returns (RevokeRefreshResp) {};
// VerifyPassword returns whether a password matches a hash for a specific email or not.
rpc VerifyPassword(VerifyPasswordReq) returns (VerifyPasswordResp) {};