2016-06-20 11:27:47 -07:00

94 lines
5.5 KiB

package migrations
import ""
var PostgresMigrations migrate.MigrationSource = &migrate.MemoryMigrationSource{
Migrations: []*migrate.Migration{
Id: "0001_initial_migration.sql",
Up: []string{
"-- +migrate Up\nCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"authd_user\" (\n \"id\" text not null primary key,\n \"email\" text,\n \"email_verified\" boolean,\n \"display_name\" text,\n \"admin\" boolean) ;\n\nCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"client_identity\" (\n \"id\" text not null primary key,\n \"secret\" bytea,\n \"metadata\" text);\n\nCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"connector_config\" (\n \"id\" text not null primary key,\n \"type\" text, \"config\" text) ;\n\nCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"key\" (\n \"value\" bytea not null primary key) ;\n\nCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"password_info\" (\n \"user_id\" text not null primary key,\n \"password\" text,\n \"password_expires\" bigint) ;\n\nCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"session\" (\n \"id\" text not null primary key,\n \"state\" text,\n \"created_at\" bigint,\n \"expires_at\" bigint,\n \"client_id\" text,\n \"client_state\" text,\n \"redirect_url\" text, \"identity\" text,\n \"connector_id\" text,\n \"user_id\" text, \"register\" boolean) ;\n\nCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"session_key\" (\n \"key\" text not null primary key,\n \"session_id\" text,\n \"expires_at\" bigint,\n \"stale\" boolean) ;\n\nCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"remote_identity_mapping\" (\n \"connector_id\" text not null,\n \"user_id\" text,\n \"remote_id\" text not null,\n primary key (\"connector_id\", \"remote_id\")) ;\n",
Id: "0002_dex_admin.sql",
Up: []string{
"-- +migrate Up\nALTER TABLE client_identity ADD COLUMN \"dex_admin\" boolean;\n\nUPDATE \"client_identity\" SET \"dex_admin\" = false;\n",
Id: "0003_user_created_at.sql",
Up: []string{
"-- +migrate Up\nALTER TABLE authd_user ADD COLUMN \"created_at\" bigint;\n\nUPDATE authd_user SET \"created_at\" = 0;\n",
Id: "0004_session_nonce.sql",
Up: []string{
"-- +migrate Up\nALTER TABLE session ADD COLUMN \"nonce\" text;\n",
Id: "0005_refresh_token_create.sql",
Up: []string{
"-- +migrate Up\nCREATE TABLE refresh_token (\n id bigint NOT NULL,\n payload_hash bytea,\n user_id text,\n client_id text\n);\n\nCREATE SEQUENCE refresh_token_id_seq\n START WITH 1\n INCREMENT BY 1\n NO MINVALUE\n NO MAXVALUE\n CACHE 1;\n\nALTER SEQUENCE refresh_token_id_seq OWNED BY;\n\nALTER TABLE ONLY refresh_token ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('refresh_token_id_seq'::regclass);\n\nALTER TABLE ONLY refresh_token\n ADD CONSTRAINT refresh_token_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);\n",
Id: "0006_user_email_unique.sql",
Up: []string{
"-- +migrate Up\nALTER TABLE ONLY authd_user\n ADD CONSTRAINT authd_user_email_key UNIQUE (email);\n",
Id: "0007_session_scope.sql",
Up: []string{
"-- +migrate Up\nALTER TABLE session ADD COLUMN \"scope\" text;\n",
Id: "0008_users_active_or_inactive.sql",
Up: []string{
"-- +migrate Up\nALTER TABLE authd_user ADD COLUMN disabled boolean;\n\nUPDATE authd_user SET \"disabled\" = FALSE;\n",
Id: "0009_key_not_primary_key.sql",
Up: []string{
"-- +migrate Up\nALTER TABLE key ADD COLUMN tmp_value bytea;\nUPDATE KEY SET tmp_value = value;\nALTER TABLE key DROP COLUMN value;\nALTER TABLE key RENAME COLUMN \"tmp_value\" to \"value\";\n",
Id: "0010_client_metadata_field_changed.sql",
Up: []string{
"-- +migrate Up\nUPDATE client_identity\nSET metadata = text(\n json_build_object(\n 'redirectURLs', json(json(metadata)->>'redirectURLs'),\n 'redirect_uris', json(json(metadata)->>'redirectURLs')\n )\n )\nWHERE (json(metadata)->>'redirect_uris') IS NULL;\n",
Id: "0011_case_insensitive_emails.sql",
Up: []string{
"-- +migrate Up\n\n-- This migration is a fix for a bug that allowed duplicate emails if they used different cases (see #338).\n-- When migrating, dex will not take the liberty of deleting rows for duplicate cases. Instead it will\n-- raise an exception and call for an admin to remove duplicates manually.\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION raise_exp() RETURNS VOID AS $$\nBEGIN\n RAISE EXCEPTION 'Found duplicate emails when using case insensitive comparision, cannot perform migration.';\nEND;\n$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;\n\nSELECT LOWER(email),\n COUNT(email),\n CASE\n WHEN COUNT(email) > 1 THEN raise_exp()\n ELSE NULL\n END\nFROM authd_user\nGROUP BY LOWER(email);\n\nUPDATE authd_user SET email = LOWER(email);\n",
Id: "0012_add_cross_client_authorizers.sql",
Up: []string{
"-- +migrate Up\nCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"trusted_peers\" (\n \"client_id\" text not null,\n \"trusted_client_id\" text not null,\n primary key (\"client_id\", \"trusted_client_id\")) ;\n",
Id: "0013_add_public_clients.sql",
Up: []string{
"-- +migrate Up\nALTER TABLE client_identity ADD COLUMN \"public\" boolean;\n\nUPDATE \"client_identity\" SET \"public\" = false;\n",
Id: "0013_add_scopes_to_refresh_tokens.sql",
Up: []string{
"-- +migrate Up\nALTER TABLE refresh_token ADD COLUMN \"scopes\" text;\n\nUPDATE refresh_token SET scopes = 'openid profile email offline_access';\n",