2016-03-09 13:04:05 -08:00

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// Copyright 2012 James Cooper. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package gorp provides a simple way to marshal Go structs to and from
// SQL databases. It uses the database/sql package, and should work with any
// compliant database/sql driver.
// Source code and project home:
package gorp
import (
// Implementation of Dialect for MySQL databases.
type MySQLDialect struct {
// Engine is the storage engine to use "InnoDB" vs "MyISAM" for example
Engine string
// Encoding is the character encoding to use for created tables
Encoding string
func (d MySQLDialect) QuerySuffix() string { return ";" }
func (d MySQLDialect) ToSqlType(val reflect.Type, maxsize int, isAutoIncr bool) string {
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr:
return d.ToSqlType(val.Elem(), maxsize, isAutoIncr)
case reflect.Bool:
return "boolean"
case reflect.Int8:
return "tinyint"
case reflect.Uint8:
return "tinyint unsigned"
case reflect.Int16:
return "smallint"
case reflect.Uint16:
return "smallint unsigned"
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int32:
return "int"
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint32:
return "int unsigned"
case reflect.Int64:
return "bigint"
case reflect.Uint64:
return "bigint unsigned"
case reflect.Float64, reflect.Float32:
return "double"
case reflect.Slice:
if val.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
return "mediumblob"
switch val.Name() {
case "NullInt64":
return "bigint"
case "NullFloat64":
return "double"
case "NullBool":
return "tinyint"
case "Time":
return "datetime"
if maxsize < 1 {
maxsize = 255
/* == About varchar(N) ==
* N is number of characters.
* A varchar column can store up to 65535 bytes.
* Remember that 1 character is 3 bytes in utf-8 charset.
* Also remember that each row can store up to 65535 bytes,
* and you have some overheads, so it's not possible for a
* varchar column to have 65535/3 characters really.
* So it would be better to use 'text' type in stead of
* large varchar type.
if maxsize < 256 {
return fmt.Sprintf("varchar(%d)", maxsize)
} else {
return "text"
// Returns auto_increment
func (d MySQLDialect) AutoIncrStr() string {
return "auto_increment"
func (d MySQLDialect) AutoIncrBindValue() string {
return "null"
func (d MySQLDialect) AutoIncrInsertSuffix(col *ColumnMap) string {
return ""
// Returns engine=%s charset=%s based on values stored on struct
func (d MySQLDialect) CreateTableSuffix() string {
if d.Engine == "" || d.Encoding == "" {
msg := "gorp - undefined"
if d.Engine == "" {
msg += " MySQLDialect.Engine"
if d.Engine == "" && d.Encoding == "" {
msg += ","
if d.Encoding == "" {
msg += " MySQLDialect.Encoding"
msg += ". Check that your MySQLDialect was correctly initialized when declared."
return fmt.Sprintf(" engine=%s charset=%s", d.Engine, d.Encoding)
func (m MySQLDialect) CreateIndexSuffix() string {
return "using"
func (m MySQLDialect) DropIndexSuffix() string {
return "on"
func (m MySQLDialect) TruncateClause() string {
return "truncate"
// Returns "?"
func (d MySQLDialect) BindVar(i int) string {
return "?"
func (d MySQLDialect) InsertAutoIncr(exec SqlExecutor, insertSql string, params ...interface{}) (int64, error) {
return standardInsertAutoIncr(exec, insertSql, params...)
func (d MySQLDialect) QuoteField(f string) string {
return "`" + f + "`"
func (d MySQLDialect) QuotedTableForQuery(schema string, table string) string {
if strings.TrimSpace(schema) == "" {
return d.QuoteField(table)
return schema + "." + d.QuoteField(table)
func (d MySQLDialect) IfSchemaNotExists(command, schema string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s if not exists", command)
func (d MySQLDialect) IfTableExists(command, schema, table string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s if exists", command)
func (d MySQLDialect) IfTableNotExists(command, schema, table string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s if not exists", command)