#!/bin/bash -e # # Run all tests (not including functional) # ./test # ./test -v # # Run tests for one package # PKG=./unit ./test # PKG=ssh ./test # # Invoke ./cover for HTML output COVER=${COVER:-"-cover"} source ./env if [ ! -d $GOPATH/pkg ]; then echo "WARNING: No cached builds detected. Please run the ./build script to speed up future tests." fi TESTABLE="connector db integration pkg/crypto pkg/flag pkg/http pkg/net pkg/time pkg/html functional/repo server session session/manager user user/api user/manager user/email email admin" FORMATTABLE="$TESTABLE cmd/dexctl cmd/dex-worker cmd/dex-overlord examples/app functional pkg/log" # user has not provided PKG override if [ -z "$PKG" ]; then TEST=$TESTABLE FMT=$FORMATTABLE # user has provided PKG override else # strip out slashes and dots from PKG=./foo/ TEST=${PKG//\//} TEST=${TEST//./} # only run gofmt on packages provided by user FMT="$TEST" fi # split TEST into an array and prepend repo path to each local package split=(${TEST// / }) TEST=${split[@]/#/github.com/coreos/dex/} echo "Running tests..." go test ${COVER} $@ ${TEST} echo "Checking gofmt..." fmtRes=$(gofmt -l $FMT) if [ -n "${fmtRes}" ]; then echo -e "gofmt checking failed:\n${fmtRes}" exit 255 fi echo "Checking govet..." vetRes=$(go vet $TEST) if [ -n "${vetRes}" ]; then echo -e "govet checking failed:\n${vetRes}" exit 255 fi echo "Success"