package server import ( "errors" "fmt" "net/http" "net/url" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type formError struct { Field string Error string } type registerTemplateData struct { Error bool FormErrors []formError Message string Email string Code string Password string Local bool } var ( errToFormErrorMap = map[error]formError{ user.ErrorInvalidEmail: formError{ Field: "email", Error: "Please enter a valid email", }, user.ErrorInvalidPassword: formError{ Field: "password", Error: "Please enter a valid password", }, user.ErrorDuplicateEmail: formError{ Field: "email", Error: "That email is already in use; please choose another.", }, } ) func handleRegisterFunc(s *Server) http.HandlerFunc { tpl := s.RegisterTemplate errPage := func(w http.ResponseWriter, msg string, code string, status int) { data := registerTemplateData{ Error: true, Message: msg, Code: code, } execTemplateWithStatus(w, tpl, data, status) } internalError := func(w http.ResponseWriter, err error) { log.Errorf("Internal Error during registration: %v", err) errPage(w, "There was a problem processing your request.", "", http.StatusInternalServerError) } idx := makeConnectorMap(s.Connectors) return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { internalError(w, err) return } // verify the user has a valid code. key := r.Form.Get("code") sessionID, err := s.SessionManager.ExchangeKey(key) if err != nil { errPage(w, "Please authenticate before registering.", "", http.StatusUnauthorized) return } // create a new code for them to use next time they hit the server. code, err := s.SessionManager.NewSessionKey(sessionID) if err != nil { internalError(w, err) return } ses, err := s.SessionManager.Get(sessionID) if err != nil || ses == nil { return } // determine whether or not this is a local or remote ID that is going // to be registered. idpc, ok := idx[ses.ConnectorID] if !ok { internalError(w, fmt.Errorf("no such IDPC: %v", ses.ConnectorID)) return } _, local := idpc.(*connector.LocalConnector) // Does the email comes from a trusted provider? trustedEmail := ses.Identity.Email != "" && idpc.TrustedEmailProvider() validate := r.Form.Get("validate") == "1" formErrors := []formError{} email := strings.TrimSpace(r.Form.Get("email")) // only auto-populate the first time the page is GETted, not on // subsequent POSTs if email == "" && r.Method == "GET" { email = ses.Identity.Email } password := r.Form.Get("password") if validate { if email == "" || !user.ValidEmail(email) { formErrors = append(formErrors, formError{"email", "Please supply a valid email"}) } if local && password == "" { formErrors = append(formErrors, formError{"password", "Please supply a valid password"}) } } data := registerTemplateData{ Code: code, Email: email, Password: password, Local: local, } // If there are form errors or this is the initial request // (i.e. validate==false), and we are not going to auto-submit a // trusted email, then show the form. if (len(formErrors) > 0 || !validate) && !trustedEmail { data.FormErrors = formErrors if !validate { execTemplate(w, tpl, data) } else { execTemplateWithStatus(w, tpl, data, http.StatusBadRequest) } return } var userID string if local { userID, err = registerFromLocalConnector( s.UserManager, s.SessionManager, ses, email, password) } else { if trustedEmail { // in the case of a trusted email provider, make sure we are // getting the email address from the session, not from the // query string, to prevent forgeries. email = ses.Identity.Email } userID, err = registerFromRemoteConnector( s.UserManager, ses, email, trustedEmail) } if err == user.ErrorDuplicateEmail { // In this case, the user probably just forgot that they registered. connID, err := getConnectorForUserByEmail(s.UserRepo, email) if err != nil { internalError(w, err) } loginURL := newLoginURLFromSession( s.IssuerURL, ses, false, []string{connID}, "login-maybe") if err = s.KillSession(code); err != nil { log.Errorf("Error killing session: %v", err) } http.Redirect(w, r, loginURL.String(), http.StatusSeeOther) } if err != nil { formErrors := errToFormErrors(err) if len(formErrors) > 0 { data.FormErrors = formErrors execTemplate(w, tpl, data) return } if err == user.ErrorDuplicateRemoteIdentity { errPage(w, "You already registered an account with this identity", "", http.StatusConflict) return } internalError(w, err) return } ses, err = s.SessionManager.AttachUser(sessionID, userID) if err != nil { internalError(w, err) return } usr, err := s.UserRepo.Get(nil, userID) if err != nil { internalError(w, err) return } if !trustedEmail { _, err = s.UserEmailer.SendEmailVerification(usr.ID, ses.ClientID, ses.RedirectURL) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error sending email verification: %v", err) } } ru := ses.RedirectURL q := ru.Query() q.Set("code", code) q.Set("state", ses.ClientState) ru.RawQuery = q.Encode() w.Header().Set("Location", ru.String()) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusSeeOther) return } } func registerFromLocalConnector(userManager *manager.UserManager, sessionManager *session.SessionManager, ses *session.Session, email, password string) (string, error) { userID, err := userManager.RegisterWithPassword(email, password, ses.ConnectorID) if err != nil { return "", err } ses, err = sessionManager.AttachRemoteIdentity(ses.ID, oidc.Identity{ ID: userID, }) if err != nil { return "", err } return userID, nil } func registerFromRemoteConnector(userManager *manager.UserManager, ses *session.Session, email string, emailVerified bool) (string, error) { if ses.Identity.ID == "" { return "", errors.New("No Identity found in session.") } rid := user.RemoteIdentity{ ConnectorID: ses.ConnectorID, ID: ses.Identity.ID, } userID, err := userManager.RegisterWithRemoteIdentity(email, emailVerified, rid) if err != nil { return "", err } return userID, nil } func errToFormErrors(err error) []formError { fes := []formError{} fe, ok := errToFormErrorMap[err] if ok { fes = append(fes, fe) } return fes } func getConnectorForUserByEmail(ur user.UserRepo, email string) (string, error) { usr, err := ur.GetByEmail(nil, email) if err != nil { return "", err } rids, err := ur.GetRemoteIdentities(nil, usr.ID) if err != nil { return "", err } if len(rids) == 0 { return "", fmt.Errorf("No remote Identities for user %v", usr.ID) } return rids[0].ConnectorID, nil } func newLoginURLFromSession(issuer url.URL, ses *session.Session, register bool, connectorFilter []string, msgCode string) *url.URL { loginURL := issuer v := loginURL.Query() loginURL.Path = httpPathAuth v.Set("redirect_uri", ses.RedirectURL.String()) v.Set("state", ses.ClientState) v.Set("client_id", ses.ClientID) if register { v.Set("register", "1") } if len(connectorFilter) > 0 { v.Set("show_connectors", strings.Join(connectorFilter, ",")) } if msgCode != "" { v.Set("msg_code", msgCode) } if len(ses.Scope) > 0 { v.Set("scope", strings.Join(ses.Scope, " ")) } loginURL.RawQuery = v.Encode() return &loginURL }