package mailgun import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "" "strconv" ) // A mailing list may have one of three membership modes. // ReadOnly specifies that nobody, including Members, // may send messages to the mailing list. // Messages distributed on such lists come from list administrator accounts only. // Members specifies that only those who subscribe to the mailing list may send messages. // Everyone specifies that anyone and everyone may both read and submit messages // to the mailing list, including non-subscribers. const ( ReadOnly = "readonly" Members = "members" Everyone = "everyone" ) // Mailing list members have an attribute that determines if they've subscribed to the mailing list or not. // This attribute may be used to filter the results returned by GetSubscribers(). // All, Subscribed, and Unsubscribed provides a convenient and readable syntax for specifying the scope of the search. var ( All *bool = nil Subscribed *bool = &yes Unsubscribed *bool = &no ) // yes and no are variables which provide us the ability to take their addresses. // Subscribed and Unsubscribed are pointers to these booleans. // // We use a pointer to boolean as a kind of trinary data type: // if nil, the relevant data type remains unspecified. // Otherwise, its value is either true or false. var ( yes bool = true no bool = false ) // A List structure provides information for a mailing list. // // AccessLevel may be one of ReadOnly, Members, or Everyone. type List struct { Address string `json:"address",omitempty"` Name string `json:"name",omitempty"` Description string `json:"description",omitempty"` AccessLevel string `json:"access_level",omitempty"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at",omitempty"` MembersCount int `json:"members_count",omitempty"` } // A Member structure represents a member of the mailing list. // The Vars field can represent any JSON-encodable data. type Member struct { Address string `json:"address,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Subscribed *bool `json:"subscribed,omitempty"` Vars map[string]interface{} `json:"vars,omitempty"` } // GetLists returns the specified set of mailing lists administered by your account. func (mg *MailgunImpl) GetLists(limit, skip int, filter string) (int, []List, error) { r := simplehttp.NewHTTPRequest(generatePublicApiUrl(listsEndpoint)) r.SetBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.ApiKey()) p := simplehttp.NewUrlEncodedPayload() if limit != DefaultLimit { p.AddValue("limit", strconv.Itoa(limit)) } if skip != DefaultSkip { p.AddValue("skip", strconv.Itoa(skip)) } if filter != "" { p.AddValue("address", filter) } var envelope struct { Items []List `json:"items"` TotalCount int `json:"total_count"` } response, err := makeRequest(r, "GET", p) if err != nil { return -1, nil, err } err = response.ParseFromJSON(&envelope) return envelope.TotalCount, envelope.Items, err } // CreateList creates a new mailing list under your Mailgun account. // You need specify only the Address and Name members of the prototype; // Description, and AccessLevel are optional. // If unspecified, Description remains blank, // while AccessLevel defaults to Everyone. func (mg *MailgunImpl) CreateList(prototype List) (List, error) { r := simplehttp.NewHTTPRequest(generatePublicApiUrl(listsEndpoint)) r.SetBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.ApiKey()) p := simplehttp.NewUrlEncodedPayload() if prototype.Address != "" { p.AddValue("address", prototype.Address) } if prototype.Name != "" { p.AddValue("name", prototype.Name) } if prototype.Description != "" { p.AddValue("description", prototype.Description) } if prototype.AccessLevel != "" { p.AddValue("access_level", prototype.AccessLevel) } response, err := makePostRequest(r, p) if err != nil { return List{}, err } var l List err = response.ParseFromJSON(&l) return l, err } // DeleteList removes all current members of the list, then removes the list itself. // Attempts to send e-mail to the list will fail subsequent to this call. func (mg *MailgunImpl) DeleteList(addr string) error { r := simplehttp.NewHTTPRequest(generatePublicApiUrl(listsEndpoint) + "/" + addr) r.SetBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.ApiKey()) _, err := makeDeleteRequest(r) return err } // GetListByAddress allows your application to recover the complete List structure // representing a mailing list, so long as you have its e-mail address. func (mg *MailgunImpl) GetListByAddress(addr string) (List, error) { r := simplehttp.NewHTTPRequest(generatePublicApiUrl(listsEndpoint) + "/" + addr) r.SetBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.ApiKey()) response, err := makeGetRequest(r) var envelope struct { List `json:"list"` } err = response.ParseFromJSON(&envelope) return envelope.List, err } // UpdateList allows you to change various attributes of a list. // Address, Name, Description, and AccessLevel are all optional; // only those fields which are set in the prototype will change. // // Be careful! If changing the address of a mailing list, // e-mail sent to the old address will not succeed. // Make sure you account for the change accordingly. func (mg *MailgunImpl) UpdateList(addr string, prototype List) (List, error) { r := simplehttp.NewHTTPRequest(generatePublicApiUrl(listsEndpoint) + "/" + addr) r.SetBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.ApiKey()) p := simplehttp.NewUrlEncodedPayload() if prototype.Address != "" { p.AddValue("address", prototype.Address) } if prototype.Name != "" { p.AddValue("name", prototype.Name) } if prototype.Description != "" { p.AddValue("description", prototype.Description) } if prototype.AccessLevel != "" { p.AddValue("access_level", prototype.AccessLevel) } var l List response, err := makePutRequest(r, p) if err != nil { return l, err } err = response.ParseFromJSON(&l) return l, err } // GetMembers returns the list of members belonging to the indicated mailing list. // The s parameter can be set to one of three settings to help narrow the returned data set: // All indicates that you want both Members and unsubscribed members alike, while // Subscribed and Unsubscribed indicate you want only those eponymous subsets. func (mg *MailgunImpl) GetMembers(limit, skip int, s *bool, addr string) (int, []Member, error) { r := simplehttp.NewHTTPRequest(generateMemberApiUrl(listsEndpoint, addr)) r.SetBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.ApiKey()) p := simplehttp.NewUrlEncodedPayload() if limit != DefaultLimit { p.AddValue("limit", strconv.Itoa(limit)) } if skip != DefaultSkip { p.AddValue("skip", strconv.Itoa(skip)) } if s != nil { p.AddValue("subscribed", yesNo(*s)) } var envelope struct { TotalCount int `json:"total_count"` Items []Member `json:"items"` } response, err := makeRequest(r, "GET", p) if err != nil { return -1, nil, err } err = response.ParseFromJSON(&envelope) return envelope.TotalCount, envelope.Items, err } // GetMemberByAddress returns a complete Member structure for a member of a mailing list, // given only their subscription e-mail address. func (mg *MailgunImpl) GetMemberByAddress(s, l string) (Member, error) { r := simplehttp.NewHTTPRequest(generateMemberApiUrl(listsEndpoint, l) + "/" + s) r.SetBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.ApiKey()) response, err := makeGetRequest(r) if err != nil { return Member{}, err } var envelope struct { Member Member `json:"member"` } err = response.ParseFromJSON(&envelope) return envelope.Member, err } // CreateMember registers a new member of the indicated mailing list. // If merge is set to true, then the registration may update an existing Member's settings. // Otherwise, an error will occur if you attempt to add a member with a duplicate e-mail address. func (mg *MailgunImpl) CreateMember(merge bool, addr string, prototype Member) error { vs, err := json.Marshal(prototype.Vars) if err != nil { return err } r := simplehttp.NewHTTPRequest(generateMemberApiUrl(listsEndpoint, addr)) r.SetBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.ApiKey()) p := simplehttp.NewFormDataPayload() p.AddValue("upsert", yesNo(merge)) p.AddValue("address", prototype.Address) p.AddValue("name", prototype.Name) p.AddValue("vars", string(vs)) if prototype.Subscribed != nil { p.AddValue("subscribed", yesNo(*prototype.Subscribed)) } _, err = makePostRequest(r, p) return err } // UpdateMember lets you change certain details about the indicated mailing list member. // Address, Name, Vars, and Subscribed fields may be changed. func (mg *MailgunImpl) UpdateMember(s, l string, prototype Member) (Member, error) { r := simplehttp.NewHTTPRequest(generateMemberApiUrl(listsEndpoint, l) + "/" + s) r.SetBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.ApiKey()) p := simplehttp.NewFormDataPayload() if prototype.Address != "" { p.AddValue("address", prototype.Address) } if prototype.Name != "" { p.AddValue("name", prototype.Name) } if prototype.Vars != nil { vs, err := json.Marshal(prototype.Vars) if err != nil { return Member{}, err } p.AddValue("vars", string(vs)) } if prototype.Subscribed != nil { p.AddValue("subscribed", yesNo(*prototype.Subscribed)) } response, err := makePutRequest(r, p) if err != nil { return Member{}, err } var envelope struct { Member Member `json:"member"` } err = response.ParseFromJSON(&envelope) return envelope.Member, err } // DeleteMember removes the member from the list. func (mg *MailgunImpl) DeleteMember(member, addr string) error { r := simplehttp.NewHTTPRequest(generateMemberApiUrl(listsEndpoint, addr) + "/" + member) r.SetBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.ApiKey()) _, err := makeDeleteRequest(r) return err } // CreateMemberList registers multiple Members and non-Member members to a single mailing list // in a single round-trip. // s indicates the default subscribed status (Subscribed or Unsubscribed). // Use All to elect not to provide a default. // The newMembers list can take one of two JSON-encodable forms: an slice of strings, or // a slice of Member structures. // If a simple slice of strings is passed, each string refers to the member's e-mail address. // Otherwise, each Member needs to have at least the Address field filled out. // Other fields are optional, but may be set according to your needs. func (mg *MailgunImpl) CreateMemberList(s *bool, addr string, newMembers []interface{}) error { r := simplehttp.NewHTTPRequest(generateMemberApiUrl(listsEndpoint, addr) + ".json") r.SetBasicAuth(basicAuthUser, mg.ApiKey()) p := simplehttp.NewFormDataPayload() if s != nil { p.AddValue("subscribed", yesNo(*s)) } bs, err := json.Marshal(newMembers) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Println(string(bs)) p.AddValue("members", string(bs)) _, err = makePostRequest(r, p) return err }