// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // This code can be compiled and used to test the otr package against libotr. // See otr_test.go. // +build ignore #include #include #include #include #include static int g_session_established = 0; OtrlPolicy policy(void *opdata, ConnContext *context) { return OTRL_POLICY_ALWAYS; } int is_logged_in(void *opdata, const char *accountname, const char *protocol, const char *recipient) { return 1; } void inject_message(void *opdata, const char *accountname, const char *protocol, const char *recipient, const char *message) { printf("%s\n", message); fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr, "libotr helper sent: %s\n", message); } void notify(void *opdata, OtrlNotifyLevel level, const char *accountname, const char *protocol, const char *username, const char *title, const char *primary, const char *secondary) { fprintf(stderr, "NOTIFY: %s %s %s %s\n", username, title, primary, secondary); } int display_otr_message(void *opdata, const char *accountname, const char *protocol, const char *username, const char *msg) { fprintf(stderr, "MESSAGE: %s %s\n", username, msg); return 1; } void update_context_list(void *opdata) { } const char *protocol_name(void *opdata, const char *protocol) { return "PROTOCOL"; } void protocol_name_free(void *opdata, const char *protocol_name) { } void new_fingerprint(void *opdata, OtrlUserState us, const char *accountname, const char *protocol, const char *username, unsigned char fingerprint[20]) { fprintf(stderr, "NEW FINGERPRINT\n"); g_session_established = 1; } void write_fingerprints(void *opdata) { } void gone_secure(void *opdata, ConnContext *context) { } void gone_insecure(void *opdata, ConnContext *context) { } void still_secure(void *opdata, ConnContext *context, int is_reply) { } void log_message(void *opdata, const char *message) { fprintf(stderr, "MESSAGE: %s\n", message); } int max_message_size(void *opdata, ConnContext *context) { return 99999; } const char *account_name(void *opdata, const char *account, const char *protocol) { return "ACCOUNT"; } void account_name_free(void *opdata, const char *account_name) { } OtrlMessageAppOps uiops = { policy, NULL, is_logged_in, inject_message, notify, display_otr_message, update_context_list, protocol_name, protocol_name_free, new_fingerprint, write_fingerprints, gone_secure, gone_insecure, still_secure, log_message, max_message_size, account_name, account_name_free, }; static const char kPrivateKeyData[] = "(privkeys (account (name \"account\") (protocol proto) (private-key (dsa (p #00FC07ABCF0DC916AFF6E9AE47BEF60C7AB9B4D6B2469E436630E36F8A489BE812486A09F30B71224508654940A835301ACC525A4FF133FC152CC53DCC59D65C30A54F1993FE13FE63E5823D4C746DB21B90F9B9C00B49EC7404AB1D929BA7FBA12F2E45C6E0A651689750E8528AB8C031D3561FECEE72EBB4A090D450A9B7A857#) (q #00997BD266EF7B1F60A5C23F3A741F2AEFD07A2081#) (g #535E360E8A95EBA46A4F7DE50AD6E9B2A6DB785A66B64EB9F20338D2A3E8FB0E94725848F1AA6CC567CB83A1CC517EC806F2E92EAE71457E80B2210A189B91250779434B41FC8A8873F6DB94BEA7D177F5D59E7E114EE10A49CFD9CEF88AE43387023B672927BA74B04EB6BBB5E57597766A2F9CE3857D7ACE3E1E3BC1FC6F26#) (y #0AC8670AD767D7A8D9D14CC1AC6744CD7D76F993B77FFD9E39DF01E5A6536EF65E775FCEF2A983E2A19BD6415500F6979715D9FD1257E1FE2B6F5E1E74B333079E7C880D39868462A93454B41877BE62E5EF0A041C2EE9C9E76BD1E12AE25D9628DECB097025DD625EF49C3258A1A3C0FF501E3DC673B76D7BABF349009B6ECF#) (x #14D0345A3562C480A039E3C72764F72D79043216#)))))\n"; int main() { OTRL_INIT; // We have to write the private key information to a file because the libotr // API demands a filename to read from. const char *tmpdir = "/tmp"; if (getenv("TMP")) { tmpdir = getenv("TMP"); } char private_key_file[256]; snprintf(private_key_file, sizeof(private_key_file), "%s/libotr_test_helper_privatekeys-XXXXXX", tmpdir); int fd = mkstemp(private_key_file); if (fd == -1) { perror("creating temp file"); } write(fd, kPrivateKeyData, sizeof(kPrivateKeyData)-1); close(fd); OtrlUserState userstate = otrl_userstate_create(); otrl_privkey_read(userstate, private_key_file); unlink(private_key_file); fprintf(stderr, "libotr helper started\n"); char buf[4096]; for (;;) { char* message = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin); if (strlen(message) == 0) { break; } message[strlen(message) - 1] = 0; fprintf(stderr, "libotr helper got: %s\n", message); char *newmessage = NULL; OtrlTLV *tlvs; int ignore_message = otrl_message_receiving(userstate, &uiops, NULL, "account", "proto", "peer", message, &newmessage, &tlvs, NULL, NULL); if (tlvs) { otrl_tlv_free(tlvs); } if (newmessage != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "libotr got: %s\n", newmessage); otrl_message_free(newmessage); gcry_error_t err; char *newmessage = NULL; err = otrl_message_sending(userstate, &uiops, NULL, "account", "proto", "peer", "test message", NULL, &newmessage, NULL, NULL); if (newmessage == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "libotr didn't encrypt message\n"); return 1; } write(1, newmessage, strlen(newmessage)); write(1, "\n", 1); g_session_established = 0; otrl_message_free(newmessage); write(1, "?OTRv2?\n", 8); } } return 0; }