# Making a dex Release Make sure you've [uploaded your GPG key](https://github.com/settings/keys) and configured git to [use that signing key]( https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Signing-Your-Work) either globally or for the Dex repo. Note that the email the key is issued for must be the email you use for git. ``` git config [--global] user.signingkey "{{ GPG key ID }}" git config [--global] user.email "{{ Email associated with key }}" ``` Create a signed tag at the commit you wish to release. This action will prompt you to enter a tag message, which can just be the release version. ``` git tag -s v0.4.0 ea4c04fde83bd6c48f4d43862c406deb4ea9dba2 ``` Push that tag to the CoreOS repo. ``` git push git@github.com:coreos/dex.git v0.4.0 ``` Draft releases on GitHub and summarize the changes since the last release. See previous releases for the expected format. https://github.com/coreos/dex/releases Finally create an image tag on Quay corresponding to the release. Log into Quay, navigate to the `quay.io/coreos/dex` repo, find the correct commit, and add an additional tag to that image for the release (click the gear on the image tag's row and then "Add New Tag"). https://quay.io/repository/coreos/dex?tag=latest&tab=tags