package saml

import (

	dsig ""


// responseTest maps a SAML 2.0 response object to a set of expected values.
// Tests are defined in the "testdata" directory and are self-signed using xmlsec1.
// To add a new test, define a new, unsigned SAML 2.0 response that exercises some
// case, then sign it using the "testdata/" script.
//     cp testdata/good-resp.tmpl testdata/( testname ).tmpl
//     vim ( testname ).tmpl # Modify your template for your test case.
//     vim testdata/   # Add a xmlsec1 command to the generation script.
//     ./testdata/     # Sign your template.
// To install xmlsec1 on Fedora run:
//     sudo dnf install xmlsec1 xmlsec1-openssl
// On mac:
//     brew install Libxmlsec1
type responseTest struct {
	// CA file and XML file of the response.
	caFile   string
	respFile string

	// Values that should be used to validate the signature.
	now          string
	inResponseTo string
	redirectURI  string
	entityIssuer string

	// Attribute customization.
	usernameAttr  string
	emailAttr     string
	groupsAttr    string
	allowedGroups []string
	filterGroups  bool

	// Expected outcome of the test.
	wantErr   bool
	wantIdent connector.Identity

func TestGoodResponse(t *testing.T) {
	test := responseTest{
		caFile:       "testdata/ca.crt",
		respFile:     "testdata/good-resp.xml",
		now:          "2017-04-04T04:34:59.330Z",
		usernameAttr: "Name",
		emailAttr:    "email",
		inResponseTo: "6zmm5mguyebwvajyf2sdwwcw6m",
		redirectURI:  "",
		wantIdent: connector.Identity{
			UserID:        "",
			Username:      "Eric",
			Email:         "",
			EmailVerified: true,

func TestGroups(t *testing.T) {
	test := responseTest{
		caFile:       "testdata/ca.crt",
		respFile:     "testdata/good-resp.xml",
		now:          "2017-04-04T04:34:59.330Z",
		usernameAttr: "Name",
		emailAttr:    "email",
		groupsAttr:   "groups",
		inResponseTo: "6zmm5mguyebwvajyf2sdwwcw6m",
		redirectURI:  "",
		wantIdent: connector.Identity{
			UserID:        "",
			Username:      "Eric",
			Email:         "",
			EmailVerified: true,
			Groups:        []string{"Admins", "Everyone"},

func TestGroupsWhitelist(t *testing.T) {
	test := responseTest{
		caFile:        "testdata/ca.crt",
		respFile:      "testdata/good-resp.xml",
		now:           "2017-04-04T04:34:59.330Z",
		usernameAttr:  "Name",
		emailAttr:     "email",
		groupsAttr:    "groups",
		allowedGroups: []string{"Admins"},
		inResponseTo:  "6zmm5mguyebwvajyf2sdwwcw6m",
		redirectURI:   "",
		wantIdent: connector.Identity{
			UserID:        "",
			Username:      "Eric",
			Email:         "",
			EmailVerified: true,
			Groups:        []string{"Admins", "Everyone"},

func TestGroupsWhitelistWithFiltering(t *testing.T) {
	test := responseTest{
		caFile:        "testdata/ca.crt",
		respFile:      "testdata/good-resp.xml",
		now:           "2017-04-04T04:34:59.330Z",
		usernameAttr:  "Name",
		emailAttr:     "email",
		groupsAttr:    "groups",
		allowedGroups: []string{"Admins"},
		filterGroups:  true,
		inResponseTo:  "6zmm5mguyebwvajyf2sdwwcw6m",
		redirectURI:   "",
		wantIdent: connector.Identity{
			UserID:        "",
			Username:      "Eric",
			Email:         "",
			EmailVerified: true,
			Groups:        []string{"Admins"}, // "Everyone" is filtered

func TestGroupsWhitelistEmpty(t *testing.T) {
	test := responseTest{
		caFile:        "testdata/ca.crt",
		respFile:      "testdata/good-resp.xml",
		now:           "2017-04-04T04:34:59.330Z",
		usernameAttr:  "Name",
		emailAttr:     "email",
		groupsAttr:    "groups",
		allowedGroups: []string{},
		inResponseTo:  "6zmm5mguyebwvajyf2sdwwcw6m",
		redirectURI:   "",
		wantIdent: connector.Identity{
			UserID:        "",
			Username:      "Eric",
			Email:         "",
			EmailVerified: true,
			Groups:        []string{"Admins", "Everyone"},

func TestGroupsWhitelistDisallowed(t *testing.T) {
	test := responseTest{
		wantErr:       true,
		caFile:        "testdata/ca.crt",
		respFile:      "testdata/good-resp.xml",
		now:           "2017-04-04T04:34:59.330Z",
		usernameAttr:  "Name",
		emailAttr:     "email",
		groupsAttr:    "groups",
		allowedGroups: []string{"Nope"},
		inResponseTo:  "6zmm5mguyebwvajyf2sdwwcw6m",
		redirectURI:   "",
		wantIdent: connector.Identity{
			UserID:        "",
			Username:      "Eric",
			Email:         "",
			EmailVerified: true,
			Groups:        []string{"Admins", "Everyone"},

func TestGroupsWhitelistDisallowedNoGroupsOnIdent(t *testing.T) {
	test := responseTest{
		wantErr:       true,
		caFile:        "testdata/ca.crt",
		respFile:      "testdata/good-resp.xml",
		now:           "2017-04-04T04:34:59.330Z",
		usernameAttr:  "Name",
		emailAttr:     "email",
		groupsAttr:    "groups",
		allowedGroups: []string{"Nope"},
		inResponseTo:  "6zmm5mguyebwvajyf2sdwwcw6m",
		redirectURI:   "",
		wantIdent: connector.Identity{
			UserID:        "",
			Username:      "Eric",
			Email:         "",
			EmailVerified: true,
			Groups:        []string{},

// TestOkta tests against an actual response from Okta.
func TestOkta(t *testing.T) {
	test := responseTest{
		caFile:       "testdata/okta-ca.pem",
		respFile:     "testdata/okta-resp.xml",
		now:          "2017-04-04T04:34:59.330Z",
		usernameAttr: "Name",
		emailAttr:    "email",
		inResponseTo: "6zmm5mguyebwvajyf2sdwwcw6m",
		redirectURI:  "",
		wantIdent: connector.Identity{
			UserID:        "",
			Username:      "Eric",
			Email:         "",
			EmailVerified: true,

func TestBadStatus(t *testing.T) {
	test := responseTest{
		caFile:       "testdata/ca.crt",
		respFile:     "testdata/bad-status.xml",
		now:          "2017-04-04T04:34:59.330Z",
		usernameAttr: "Name",
		emailAttr:    "email",
		inResponseTo: "6zmm5mguyebwvajyf2sdwwcw6m",
		redirectURI:  "",
		wantErr:      true,

func TestInvalidCA(t *testing.T) {
	test := responseTest{
		caFile:       "testdata/bad-ca.crt", // Not the CA that signed this response.
		respFile:     "testdata/good-resp.xml",
		now:          "2017-04-04T04:34:59.330Z",
		usernameAttr: "Name",
		emailAttr:    "email",
		inResponseTo: "6zmm5mguyebwvajyf2sdwwcw6m",
		redirectURI:  "",
		wantErr:      true,

func TestUnsignedResponse(t *testing.T) {
	test := responseTest{
		caFile:       "testdata/ca.crt",
		respFile:     "testdata/good-resp.tmpl", // Use the unsigned template, not the signed document.
		now:          "2017-04-04T04:34:59.330Z",
		usernameAttr: "Name",
		emailAttr:    "email",
		inResponseTo: "6zmm5mguyebwvajyf2sdwwcw6m",
		redirectURI:  "",
		wantErr:      true,

func TestExpiredAssertion(t *testing.T) {
	test := responseTest{
		caFile:       "testdata/ca.crt",
		respFile:     "testdata/assertion-signed.xml",
		now:          "2020-04-04T04:34:59.330Z", // Assertion has expired.
		usernameAttr: "Name",
		emailAttr:    "email",
		inResponseTo: "6zmm5mguyebwvajyf2sdwwcw6m",
		redirectURI:  "",
		wantErr:      true,

// TestAssertionSignedNotResponse ensures the connector validates SAML 2.0
// responses where the assertion is signed but the root element, the
// response, isn't.
func TestAssertionSignedNotResponse(t *testing.T) {
	test := responseTest{
		caFile:       "testdata/ca.crt",
		respFile:     "testdata/assertion-signed.xml",
		now:          "2017-04-04T04:34:59.330Z",
		usernameAttr: "Name",
		emailAttr:    "email",
		inResponseTo: "6zmm5mguyebwvajyf2sdwwcw6m",
		redirectURI:  "",
		wantIdent: connector.Identity{
			UserID:        "",
			Username:      "Eric",
			Email:         "",
			EmailVerified: true,

func TestInvalidSubjectInResponseTo(t *testing.T) {
	test := responseTest{
		caFile:       "testdata/ca.crt",
		respFile:     "testdata/assertion-signed.xml",
		now:          "2017-04-04T04:34:59.330Z",
		usernameAttr: "Name",
		emailAttr:    "email",
		inResponseTo: "invalid-id", // Bad InResponseTo value.
		redirectURI:  "",
		wantErr:      true,

func TestInvalidSubjectRecipient(t *testing.T) {
	test := responseTest{
		caFile:       "testdata/ca.crt",
		respFile:     "testdata/assertion-signed.xml",
		now:          "2017-04-04T04:34:59.330Z",
		usernameAttr: "Name",
		emailAttr:    "email",
		inResponseTo: "6zmm5mguyebwvajyf2sdwwcw6m",
		redirectURI:  "", // Doesn't match Recipient value.
		wantErr:      true,

func TestInvalidAssertionAudience(t *testing.T) {
	test := responseTest{
		caFile:       "testdata/ca.crt",
		respFile:     "testdata/assertion-signed.xml",
		now:          "2017-04-04T04:34:59.330Z",
		usernameAttr: "Name",
		emailAttr:    "email",
		inResponseTo: "6zmm5mguyebwvajyf2sdwwcw6m",
		redirectURI:  "",
		// EntityIssuer overrides RedirectURI when determining the expected
		// audience. In this case, ensure the audience is invalid.
		entityIssuer: "http://localhost:5556/dex/callback",
		wantErr:      true,

// TestTwoAssertionFirstSigned tries to catch an edge case where an attacker
// provides a second assertion that's not signed.
func TestTwoAssertionFirstSigned(t *testing.T) {
	test := responseTest{
		caFile:       "testdata/ca.crt",
		respFile:     "testdata/two-assertions-first-signed.xml",
		now:          "2017-04-04T04:34:59.330Z",
		usernameAttr: "Name",
		emailAttr:    "email",
		inResponseTo: "6zmm5mguyebwvajyf2sdwwcw6m",
		redirectURI:  "",
		wantIdent: connector.Identity{
			UserID:        "",
			Username:      "Eric",
			Email:         "",
			EmailVerified: true,

func TestTamperedResponseNameID(t *testing.T) {
	test := responseTest{
		caFile:       "testdata/ca.crt",
		respFile:     "testdata/tampered-resp.xml",
		now:          "2017-04-04T04:34:59.330Z",
		usernameAttr: "Name",
		emailAttr:    "email",
		inResponseTo: "6zmm5mguyebwvajyf2sdwwcw6m",
		redirectURI:  "",
		wantErr:      true,

func loadCert(ca string) (*x509.Certificate, error) {
	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(ca)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	block, _ := pem.Decode(data)
	if block == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("ca file didn't contain any PEM data")
	return x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes)

func (r responseTest) run(t *testing.T) {
	c := Config{
		CA:            r.caFile,
		UsernameAttr:  r.usernameAttr,
		EmailAttr:     r.emailAttr,
		GroupsAttr:    r.groupsAttr,
		RedirectURI:   r.redirectURI,
		EntityIssuer:  r.entityIssuer,
		AllowedGroups: r.allowedGroups,
		FilterGroups:  r.filterGroups,
		// Never logging in, don't need this.
		SSOURL: "",
	now, err := time.Parse(timeFormat,
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("parse test time: %v", err)

	conn, err := c.openConnector(logrus.New())
	if err != nil {
	} = func() time.Time { return now }
	resp, err := ioutil.ReadFile(r.respFile)
	if err != nil {
	samlResp := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(resp)

	scopes := connector.Scopes{
		OfflineAccess: false,
		Groups:        true,
	ident, err := conn.HandlePOST(scopes, samlResp, r.inResponseTo)
	if err != nil {
		if !r.wantErr {
			t.Fatalf("handle response: %v", err)

	if r.wantErr {
		t.Fatalf("wanted error")
	if diff := pretty.Compare(ident, r.wantIdent); diff != "" {

func TestConfigCAData(t *testing.T) {
	logger := logrus.New()
	validPEM, err := ioutil.ReadFile("testdata/ca.crt")
	if err != nil {
	valid2ndPEM, err := ioutil.ReadFile("testdata/okta-ca.pem")
	if err != nil {

	// copy helper, avoid messing with the byte slice among different cases
	c := func(bs []byte) []byte {
		return append([]byte(nil), bs...)

	tests := []struct {
		name    string
		caData  []byte
		wantErr bool
			name:   "one valid PEM entry",
			caData: c(validPEM),
			name:   "one valid PEM entry with trailing newline",
			caData: append(c(validPEM), []byte("\n")...),
			name:   "one valid PEM entry with trailing spaces",
			caData: append(c(validPEM), []byte("   ")...),
			name:   "one valid PEM entry with two trailing newlines",
			caData: append(c(validPEM), []byte("\n\n")...),
			name:   "two valid PEM entries",
			caData: append(c(validPEM), c(valid2ndPEM)...),
			name:   "two valid PEM entries with newline in between",
			caData: append(append(c(validPEM), []byte("\n")...), c(valid2ndPEM)...),
			name:   "two valid PEM entries with trailing newline",
			caData: append(c(valid2ndPEM), append(c(validPEM), []byte("\n")...)...),
			name:    "empty",
			caData:  []byte{},
			wantErr: true,
			name:    "one valid PEM entry with trailing data",
			caData:  append(c(validPEM), []byte("yaddayadda")...),
			wantErr: true,
			name:    "one valid PEM entry with bad data before",
			caData:  append([]byte("yaddayadda"), c(validPEM)...),
			wantErr: true,

	for _, tc := range tests {
		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
			c := Config{
				CAData:       tc.caData,
				UsernameAttr: "user",
				EmailAttr:    "email",
				RedirectURI:  "",
				SSOURL:       "",
			_, err := (&c).Open("samltest", logger)
			if tc.wantErr {
				if err == nil {
					t.Error("expected error, got nil")
			} else if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("expected no error, got %v", err)

// Deprecated: Use testing framework established above.
func runVerify(t *testing.T, ca string, resp string, shouldSucceed bool) {
	cert, err := loadCert(ca)
	if err != nil {
	s := certStore{[]*x509.Certificate{cert}}

	validator := dsig.NewDefaultValidationContext(s)

	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(resp)
	if err != nil {

	if _, _, err := verifyResponseSig(validator, data); err != nil {
		if shouldSucceed {
	} else {
		if !shouldSucceed {
			t.Fatalf("expected an invalid signature but verification has been successful")

func TestVerify(t *testing.T) {
	runVerify(t, "testdata/okta-ca.pem", "testdata/okta-resp.xml", true)

func TestVerifyUnsignedMessageAndSignedAssertionWithRootXmlNs(t *testing.T) {
	runVerify(t, "testdata/oam-ca.pem", "testdata/oam-resp.xml", true)

func TestVerifySignedMessageAndUnsignedAssertion(t *testing.T) {
	runVerify(t, "testdata/idp-cert.pem", "testdata/idp-resp-signed-message.xml", true)

func TestVerifyUnsignedMessageAndSignedAssertion(t *testing.T) {
	runVerify(t, "testdata/idp-cert.pem", "testdata/idp-resp-signed-assertion.xml", true)

func TestVerifySignedMessageAndSignedAssertion(t *testing.T) {
	runVerify(t, "testdata/idp-cert.pem", "testdata/idp-resp-signed-message-and-assertion.xml", true)

func TestVerifyUnsignedMessageAndUnsignedAssertion(t *testing.T) {
	runVerify(t, "testdata/idp-cert.pem", "testdata/idp-resp.xml", false)