// TODO(sfalvo): // Document how to run acceptance tests. // The mailgun package provides methods for interacting with the Mailgun API. // It automates the HTTP request/response cycle, encodings, and other details needed by the API. // This SDK lets you do everything the API lets you, in a more Go-friendly way. // // For further information please see the Mailgun documentation at // http://documentation.mailgun.com/ // // Original Author: Michael Banzon // Contributions: Samuel A. Falvo II // Version: 0.99.0 // // Examples // // This document includes a number of examples which illustrates some aspects of the GUI which might be misleading or confusing. // All examples included are derived from an acceptance test. // Note that every SDK function has a corresponding acceptance test, so // if you don't find an example for a function you'd like to know more about, // please check the acceptance sub-package for a corresponding test. // Of course, contributions to the documentation are always welcome as well. // Feel free to submit a pull request or open a Github issue if you cannot find an example to suit your needs. // // Limit and Skip Settings // // Many SDK functions consume a pair of parameters called limit and skip. // These help control how much data Mailgun sends over the wire. // Limit, as you'd expect, gives a count of the number of records you want to receive. // Note that, at present, Mailgun imposes its own cap of 100, for all API endpoints. // Skip indicates where in the data set you want to start receiving from. // Mailgun defaults to the very beginning of the dataset if not specified explicitly. // // If you don't particularly care how much data you receive, you may specify DefaultLimit. // If you similarly don't care about where the data starts, you may specify DefaultSkip. // // Functions that Return Totals // // Functions which accept a limit and skip setting, in general, // will also return a total count of the items returned. // Note that this total count is not the total in the bundle returned by the call. // You can determine that easily enough with Go's len() function. // The total that you receive actually refers to the complete set of data on the server. // This total may well exceed the size returned from the API. // // If this happens, you may find yourself needing to iterate over the dataset of interest. // For example: // // // Get total amount of stuff we have to work with. // mg := NewMailgun("example.com", "my_api_key", "") // n, _, err := mg.GetStats(1, 0, nil, "sent", "opened") // if err != nil { // t.Fatal(err) // } // // Loop over it all. // for sk := 0; sk < n; sk += limit { // _, stats, err := mg.GetStats(limit, sk, nil, "sent", "opened") // if err != nil { // t.Fatal(err) // } // doSomethingWith(stats) // } // // License // // Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Michael Banzon. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, // are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this // list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this // list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or // other materials provided with the distribution. // // * Neither the names of Mailgun, Michael Banzon, nor the names of their // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND // ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE // DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR // ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES // (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; // LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON // ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS // SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. package mailgun import ( "fmt" "io" "net/http" "time" ) const ( apiBase = "https://api.mailgun.net/v2" messagesEndpoint = "messages" mimeMessagesEndpoint = "messages.mime" addressValidateEndpoint = "address/validate" addressParseEndpoint = "address/parse" bouncesEndpoint = "bounces" statsEndpoint = "stats" domainsEndpoint = "domains" deleteTagEndpoint = "tags" campaignsEndpoint = "campaigns" eventsEndpoint = "events" credentialsEndpoint = "credentials" unsubscribesEndpoint = "unsubscribes" routesEndpoint = "routes" webhooksEndpoint = "webhooks" listsEndpoint = "lists" basicAuthUser = "api" ) // Mailgun defines the supported subset of the Mailgun API. // The Mailgun API may contain additional features which have been deprecated since writing this SDK. // This SDK only covers currently supported interface endpoints. // // Note that Mailgun reserves the right to deprecate endpoints. // Some endpoints listed in this interface may, at any time, become obsolete. // Always double-check with the Mailgun API Documentation to // determine the currently supported feature set. type Mailgun interface { Domain() string ApiKey() string PublicApiKey() string Client() *http.Client SetClient(client *http.Client) Send(m *Message) (string, string, error) ValidateEmail(email string) (EmailVerification, error) ParseAddresses(addresses ...string) ([]string, []string, error) GetBounces(limit, skip int) (int, []Bounce, error) GetSingleBounce(address string) (Bounce, error) AddBounce(address, code, error string) error DeleteBounce(address string) error GetStats(limit int, skip int, startDate *time.Time, event ...string) (int, []Stat, error) DeleteTag(tag string) error GetDomains(limit, skip int) (int, []Domain, error) GetSingleDomain(domain string) (Domain, []DNSRecord, []DNSRecord, error) CreateDomain(name string, smtpPassword string, spamAction string, wildcard bool) error DeleteDomain(name string) error GetCampaigns() (int, []Campaign, error) CreateCampaign(name, id string) error UpdateCampaign(oldId, name, newId string) error DeleteCampaign(id string) error GetComplaints(limit, skip int) (int, []Complaint, error) GetSingleComplaint(address string) (Complaint, error) GetStoredMessage(id string) (StoredMessage, error) GetStoredMessageRaw(id string) (StoredMessageRaw, error) DeleteStoredMessage(id string) error GetCredentials(limit, skip int) (int, []Credential, error) CreateCredential(login, password string) error ChangeCredentialPassword(id, password string) error DeleteCredential(id string) error GetUnsubscribes(limit, skip int) (int, []Unsubscription, error) GetUnsubscribesByAddress(string) (int, []Unsubscription, error) Unsubscribe(address, tag string) error RemoveUnsubscribe(string) error CreateComplaint(string) error DeleteComplaint(string) error GetRoutes(limit, skip int) (int, []Route, error) GetRouteByID(string) (Route, error) CreateRoute(Route) (Route, error) DeleteRoute(string) error UpdateRoute(string, Route) (Route, error) GetWebhooks() (map[string]string, error) CreateWebhook(kind, url string) error DeleteWebhook(kind string) error GetWebhookByType(kind string) (string, error) UpdateWebhook(kind, url string) error GetLists(limit, skip int, filter string) (int, []List, error) CreateList(List) (List, error) DeleteList(string) error GetListByAddress(string) (List, error) UpdateList(string, List) (List, error) GetMembers(limit, skip int, subfilter *bool, address string) (int, []Member, error) GetMemberByAddress(MemberAddr, listAddr string) (Member, error) CreateMember(merge bool, addr string, prototype Member) error CreateMemberList(subscribed *bool, addr string, newMembers []interface{}) error UpdateMember(Member, list string, prototype Member) (Member, error) DeleteMember(Member, list string) error NewMessage(from, subject, text string, to ...string) *Message NewMIMEMessage(body io.ReadCloser, to ...string) *Message NewEventIterator() *EventIterator } // MailgunImpl bundles data needed by a large number of methods in order to interact with the Mailgun API. // Colloquially, we refer to instances of this structure as "clients." type MailgunImpl struct { domain string apiKey string publicApiKey string client *http.Client } // NewMailGun creates a new client instance. func NewMailgun(domain, apiKey, publicApiKey string) Mailgun { m := MailgunImpl{ domain: domain, apiKey: apiKey, publicApiKey: publicApiKey, client: http.DefaultClient, } return &m } // Domain returns the domain configured for this client. func (m *MailgunImpl) Domain() string { return m.domain } // ApiKey returns the API key configured for this client. func (m *MailgunImpl) ApiKey() string { return m.apiKey } // PublicApiKey returns the public API key configured for this client. func (m *MailgunImpl) PublicApiKey() string { return m.publicApiKey } // Client returns the HTTP client configured for this client. func (m *MailgunImpl) Client() *http.Client { return m.client } // SetClient updates the HTTP client for this client. func (m *MailgunImpl) SetClient(c *http.Client) { m.client = c } // generateApiUrl renders a URL for an API endpoint using the domain and endpoint name. func generateApiUrl(m Mailgun, endpoint string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", apiBase, m.Domain(), endpoint) } // generateMemberApiUrl renders a URL relevant for specifying mailing list members. // The address parameter refers to the mailing list in question. func generateMemberApiUrl(endpoint, address string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s/members", apiBase, endpoint, address) } // generateApiUrlWithTarget works as generateApiUrl, // but consumes an additional resource parameter called 'target'. func generateApiUrlWithTarget(m Mailgun, endpoint, target string) string { tail := "" if target != "" { tail = fmt.Sprintf("/%s", target) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", generateApiUrl(m, endpoint), tail) } // generateDomainApiUrl renders a URL as generateApiUrl, but // addresses a family of functions which have a non-standard URL structure. // Most URLs consume a domain in the 2nd position, but some endpoints // require the word "domains" to be there instead. func generateDomainApiUrl(m Mailgun, endpoint string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s/domains/%s/%s", apiBase, m.Domain(), endpoint) } // generateCredentialsUrl renders a URL as generateDomainApiUrl, // but focuses on the SMTP credentials family of API functions. func generateCredentialsUrl(m Mailgun, id string) string { tail := "" if id != "" { tail = fmt.Sprintf("/%s", id) } return generateDomainApiUrl(m, fmt.Sprintf("credentials%s", tail)) // return fmt.Sprintf("%s/domains/%s/credentials%s", apiBase, m.Domain(), tail) } // generateStoredMessageUrl generates the URL needed to acquire a copy of a stored message. func generateStoredMessageUrl(m Mailgun, endpoint, id string) string { return generateDomainApiUrl(m, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", endpoint, id)) // return fmt.Sprintf("%s/domains/%s/%s/%s", apiBase, m.Domain(), endpoint, id) } // generatePublicApiUrl works as generateApiUrl, except that generatePublicApiUrl has no need for the domain. func generatePublicApiUrl(endpoint string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", apiBase, endpoint) } // generateParameterizedUrl works as generateApiUrl, but supports query parameters. func generateParameterizedUrl(m Mailgun, endpoint string, payload payload) (string, error) { paramBuffer, err := payload.getPayloadBuffer() if err != nil { return "", err } params := string(paramBuffer.Bytes()) return fmt.Sprintf("%s?%s", generateApiUrl(m, eventsEndpoint), params), nil } // parseMailgunTime translates a timestamp as returned by Mailgun into a Go standard timestamp. func parseMailgunTime(ts string) (t time.Time, err error) { t, err = time.Parse("Mon, 2 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST", ts) return } // formatMailgunTime translates a timestamp into a human-readable form. func formatMailgunTime(t *time.Time) string { return t.Format("Mon, 2 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700") }