clockwork ========= [![Build Status](]( [![godoc](]( a simple fake clock for golang # Usage Replace uses of the `time` package with the `clockwork.Clock` interface instead. For example, instead of using `time.Sleep` directly: ``` func my_func() { time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) do_something() } ``` inject a clock and use its `Sleep` method instead: ``` func my_func(clock clockwork.Clock) { clock.Sleep(3 * time.Second) do_something() } ``` Now you can easily test `my_func` with a `FakeClock`: ``` func TestMyFunc(t *testing.T) { c := clockwork.NewFakeClock() // Start our sleepy function var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(1) go func() { my_func(c) wg.Done() }() // Ensure we wait until my_func is sleeping c.BlockUntil(1) assert_state() // Advance the FakeClock forward in time c.Advance(3 * time.Second) // Wait until the function completes wg.Wait() assert_state() } ``` and in production builds, simply inject the real clock instead: ``` my_func(clockwork.NewRealClock()) ``` See [example_test.go](example_test.go) for a full example. # Credits clockwork is inspired by @wickman's [threaded fake clock](, and the [Golang playground]( time)