// Copyright 2012 James Cooper. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Package gorp provides a simple way to marshal Go structs to and from // SQL databases. It uses the database/sql package, and should work with any // compliant database/sql driver. // // Source code and project home: // https://github.com/go-gorp/gorp // package gorp import ( "bytes" "database/sql" "database/sql/driver" "errors" "fmt" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) // DbMap is the root gorp mapping object. Create one of these for each // database schema you wish to map. Each DbMap contains a list of // mapped tables. // // Example: // // dialect := gorp.MySQLDialect{"InnoDB", "UTF8"} // dbmap := &gorp.DbMap{Db: db, Dialect: dialect} // type DbMap struct { // Db handle to use with this map Db *sql.DB // Dialect implementation to use with this map Dialect Dialect TypeConverter TypeConverter tables []*TableMap logger GorpLogger logPrefix string } func (m *DbMap) CreateIndex() error { var err error dialect := reflect.TypeOf(m.Dialect) for _, table := range m.tables { for _, index := range table.indexes { s := bytes.Buffer{} s.WriteString("create") if index.Unique { s.WriteString(" unique") } s.WriteString(" index") s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %s on %s", index.IndexName, table.TableName)) if dname := dialect.Name(); dname == "PostgresDialect" && index.IndexType != "" { s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %s %s", m.Dialect.CreateIndexSuffix(), index.IndexType)) } s.WriteString(" (") x := 0 for _, col := range index.columns { if x > 0 { s.WriteString(", ") } s.WriteString(m.Dialect.QuoteField(col)) } s.WriteString(")") if dname := dialect.Name(); dname == "MySQLDialect" && index.IndexType != "" { s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %s %s", m.Dialect.CreateIndexSuffix(), index.IndexType)) } s.WriteString(";") _, err = m.Exec(s.String()) if err != nil { break } } } return err } func (t *TableMap) DropIndex(name string) error { var err error dialect := reflect.TypeOf(t.dbmap.Dialect) for _, idx := range t.indexes { if idx.IndexName == name { s := bytes.Buffer{} s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("DROP INDEX %s", idx.IndexName)) if dname := dialect.Name(); dname == "MySQLDialect" { s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %s %s", t.dbmap.Dialect.DropIndexSuffix(), t.TableName)) } s.WriteString(";") _, e := t.dbmap.Exec(s.String()) if e != nil { err = e } break } } t.ResetSql() return err } // AddTable registers the given interface type with gorp. The table name // will be given the name of the TypeOf(i). You must call this function, // or AddTableWithName, for any struct type you wish to persist with // the given DbMap. // // This operation is idempotent. If i's type is already mapped, the // existing *TableMap is returned func (m *DbMap) AddTable(i interface{}) *TableMap { return m.AddTableWithName(i, "") } // AddTableWithName has the same behavior as AddTable, but sets // table.TableName to name. func (m *DbMap) AddTableWithName(i interface{}, name string) *TableMap { return m.AddTableWithNameAndSchema(i, "", name) } // AddTableWithNameAndSchema has the same behavior as AddTable, but sets // table.TableName to name. func (m *DbMap) AddTableWithNameAndSchema(i interface{}, schema string, name string) *TableMap { t := reflect.TypeOf(i) if name == "" { name = t.Name() } // check if we have a table for this type already // if so, update the name and return the existing pointer for i := range m.tables { table := m.tables[i] if table.gotype == t { table.TableName = name return table } } tmap := &TableMap{gotype: t, TableName: name, SchemaName: schema, dbmap: m} var primaryKey []*ColumnMap tmap.Columns, primaryKey = m.readStructColumns(t) m.tables = append(m.tables, tmap) if len(primaryKey) > 0 { tmap.keys = append(tmap.keys, primaryKey...) } return tmap } func (m *DbMap) readStructColumns(t reflect.Type) (cols []*ColumnMap, primaryKey []*ColumnMap) { primaryKey = make([]*ColumnMap, 0) n := t.NumField() for i := 0; i < n; i++ { f := t.Field(i) if f.Anonymous && f.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct { // Recursively add nested fields in embedded structs. subcols, subpk := m.readStructColumns(f.Type) // Don't append nested fields that have the same field // name as an already-mapped field. for _, subcol := range subcols { shouldAppend := true for _, col := range cols { if !subcol.Transient && subcol.fieldName == col.fieldName { shouldAppend = false break } } if shouldAppend { cols = append(cols, subcol) } } if subpk != nil { primaryKey = append(primaryKey, subpk...) } } else { // Tag = Name { ',' Option } // Option = OptionKey [ ':' OptionValue ] cArguments := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("db"), ",") columnName := cArguments[0] var maxSize int var defaultValue string var isAuto bool var isPK bool for _, argString := range cArguments[1:] { argString = strings.TrimSpace(argString) arg := strings.SplitN(argString, ":", 2) // check mandatory/unexpected option values switch arg[0] { case "size", "default": // options requiring value if len(arg) == 1 { panic(fmt.Sprintf("missing option value for option %v on field %v", arg[0], f.Name)) } default: // options where value is invalid (currently all other options) if len(arg) == 2 { panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected option value for option %v on field %v", arg[0], f.Name)) } } switch arg[0] { case "size": maxSize, _ = strconv.Atoi(arg[1]) case "default": defaultValue = arg[1] case "primarykey": isPK = true case "autoincrement": isAuto = true default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unrecognized tag option for field %v: %v", f.Name, arg)) } } if columnName == "" { columnName = f.Name } gotype := f.Type value := reflect.New(gotype).Interface() if m.TypeConverter != nil { // Make a new pointer to a value of type gotype and // pass it to the TypeConverter's FromDb method to see // if a different type should be used for the column // type during table creation. scanner, useHolder := m.TypeConverter.FromDb(value) if useHolder { value = scanner.Holder gotype = reflect.TypeOf(value) } } if typer, ok := value.(SqlTyper); ok { gotype = reflect.TypeOf(typer.SqlType()) } else if valuer, ok := value.(driver.Valuer); ok { // Only check for driver.Valuer if SqlTyper wasn't // found. v, err := valuer.Value() if err == nil && v != nil { gotype = reflect.TypeOf(v) } } cm := &ColumnMap{ ColumnName: columnName, DefaultValue: defaultValue, Transient: columnName == "-", fieldName: f.Name, gotype: gotype, isPK: isPK, isAutoIncr: isAuto, MaxSize: maxSize, } if isPK { primaryKey = append(primaryKey, cm) } // Check for nested fields of the same field name and // override them. shouldAppend := true for index, col := range cols { if !col.Transient && col.fieldName == cm.fieldName { cols[index] = cm shouldAppend = false break } } if shouldAppend { cols = append(cols, cm) } } } return } // CreateTables iterates through TableMaps registered to this DbMap and // executes "create table" statements against the database for each. // // This is particularly useful in unit tests where you want to create // and destroy the schema automatically. func (m *DbMap) CreateTables() error { return m.createTables(false) } // CreateTablesIfNotExists is similar to CreateTables, but starts // each statement with "create table if not exists" so that existing // tables do not raise errors func (m *DbMap) CreateTablesIfNotExists() error { return m.createTables(true) } func (m *DbMap) createTables(ifNotExists bool) error { var err error for i := range m.tables { table := m.tables[i] sql := table.SqlForCreate(ifNotExists) _, err = m.Exec(sql) if err != nil { break } } return err } // DropTable drops an individual table. // Returns an error when the table does not exist. func (m *DbMap) DropTable(table interface{}) error { t := reflect.TypeOf(table) return m.dropTable(t, false) } // DropTableIfExists drops an individual table when the table exists. func (m *DbMap) DropTableIfExists(table interface{}) error { t := reflect.TypeOf(table) return m.dropTable(t, true) } // DropTables iterates through TableMaps registered to this DbMap and // executes "drop table" statements against the database for each. func (m *DbMap) DropTables() error { return m.dropTables(false) } // DropTablesIfExists is the same as DropTables, but uses the "if exists" clause to // avoid errors for tables that do not exist. func (m *DbMap) DropTablesIfExists() error { return m.dropTables(true) } // Goes through all the registered tables, dropping them one by one. // If an error is encountered, then it is returned and the rest of // the tables are not dropped. func (m *DbMap) dropTables(addIfExists bool) (err error) { for _, table := range m.tables { err = m.dropTableImpl(table, addIfExists) if err != nil { return err } } return err } // Implementation of dropping a single table. func (m *DbMap) dropTable(t reflect.Type, addIfExists bool) error { table := tableOrNil(m, t) if table == nil { return fmt.Errorf("table %s was not registered", table.TableName) } return m.dropTableImpl(table, addIfExists) } func (m *DbMap) dropTableImpl(table *TableMap, ifExists bool) (err error) { tableDrop := "drop table" if ifExists { tableDrop = m.Dialect.IfTableExists(tableDrop, table.SchemaName, table.TableName) } _, err = m.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s;", tableDrop, m.Dialect.QuotedTableForQuery(table.SchemaName, table.TableName))) return err } // TruncateTables iterates through TableMaps registered to this DbMap and // executes "truncate table" statements against the database for each, or in the case of // sqlite, a "delete from" with no "where" clause, which uses the truncate optimization // (http://www.sqlite.org/lang_delete.html) func (m *DbMap) TruncateTables() error { var err error for i := range m.tables { table := m.tables[i] _, e := m.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s;", m.Dialect.TruncateClause(), m.Dialect.QuotedTableForQuery(table.SchemaName, table.TableName))) if e != nil { err = e } } return err } // Insert runs a SQL INSERT statement for each element in list. List // items must be pointers. // // Any interface whose TableMap has an auto-increment primary key will // have its last insert id bound to the PK field on the struct. // // The hook functions PreInsert() and/or PostInsert() will be executed // before/after the INSERT statement if the interface defines them. // // Panics if any interface in the list has not been registered with AddTable func (m *DbMap) Insert(list ...interface{}) error { return insert(m, m, list...) } // Update runs a SQL UPDATE statement for each element in list. List // items must be pointers. // // The hook functions PreUpdate() and/or PostUpdate() will be executed // before/after the UPDATE statement if the interface defines them. // // Returns the number of rows updated. // // Returns an error if SetKeys has not been called on the TableMap // Panics if any interface in the list has not been registered with AddTable func (m *DbMap) Update(list ...interface{}) (int64, error) { return update(m, m, list...) } // Delete runs a SQL DELETE statement for each element in list. List // items must be pointers. // // The hook functions PreDelete() and/or PostDelete() will be executed // before/after the DELETE statement if the interface defines them. // // Returns the number of rows deleted. // // Returns an error if SetKeys has not been called on the TableMap // Panics if any interface in the list has not been registered with AddTable func (m *DbMap) Delete(list ...interface{}) (int64, error) { return delete(m, m, list...) } // Get runs a SQL SELECT to fetch a single row from the table based on the // primary key(s) // // i should be an empty value for the struct to load. keys should be // the primary key value(s) for the row to load. If multiple keys // exist on the table, the order should match the column order // specified in SetKeys() when the table mapping was defined. // // The hook function PostGet() will be executed after the SELECT // statement if the interface defines them. // // Returns a pointer to a struct that matches or nil if no row is found. // // Returns an error if SetKeys has not been called on the TableMap // Panics if any interface in the list has not been registered with AddTable func (m *DbMap) Get(i interface{}, keys ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return get(m, m, i, keys...) } // Select runs an arbitrary SQL query, binding the columns in the result // to fields on the struct specified by i. args represent the bind // parameters for the SQL statement. // // Column names on the SELECT statement should be aliased to the field names // on the struct i. Returns an error if one or more columns in the result // do not match. It is OK if fields on i are not part of the SQL // statement. // // The hook function PostGet() will be executed after the SELECT // statement if the interface defines them. // // Values are returned in one of two ways: // 1. If i is a struct or a pointer to a struct, returns a slice of pointers to // matching rows of type i. // 2. If i is a pointer to a slice, the results will be appended to that slice // and nil returned. // // i does NOT need to be registered with AddTable() func (m *DbMap) Select(i interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}) ([]interface{}, error) { return hookedselect(m, m, i, query, args...) } // Exec runs an arbitrary SQL statement. args represent the bind parameters. // This is equivalent to running: Exec() using database/sql func (m *DbMap) Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) { if m.logger != nil { now := time.Now() defer m.trace(now, query, args...) } return exec(m, query, args...) } // SelectInt is a convenience wrapper around the gorp.SelectInt function func (m *DbMap) SelectInt(query string, args ...interface{}) (int64, error) { return SelectInt(m, query, args...) } // SelectNullInt is a convenience wrapper around the gorp.SelectNullInt function func (m *DbMap) SelectNullInt(query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.NullInt64, error) { return SelectNullInt(m, query, args...) } // SelectFloat is a convenience wrapper around the gorp.SelectFloat function func (m *DbMap) SelectFloat(query string, args ...interface{}) (float64, error) { return SelectFloat(m, query, args...) } // SelectNullFloat is a convenience wrapper around the gorp.SelectNullFloat function func (m *DbMap) SelectNullFloat(query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.NullFloat64, error) { return SelectNullFloat(m, query, args...) } // SelectStr is a convenience wrapper around the gorp.SelectStr function func (m *DbMap) SelectStr(query string, args ...interface{}) (string, error) { return SelectStr(m, query, args...) } // SelectNullStr is a convenience wrapper around the gorp.SelectNullStr function func (m *DbMap) SelectNullStr(query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.NullString, error) { return SelectNullStr(m, query, args...) } // SelectOne is a convenience wrapper around the gorp.SelectOne function func (m *DbMap) SelectOne(holder interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}) error { return SelectOne(m, m, holder, query, args...) } // Begin starts a gorp Transaction func (m *DbMap) Begin() (*Transaction, error) { if m.logger != nil { now := time.Now() defer m.trace(now, "begin;") } tx, err := m.Db.Begin() if err != nil { return nil, err } return &Transaction{m, tx, false}, nil } // TableFor returns the *TableMap corresponding to the given Go Type // If no table is mapped to that type an error is returned. // If checkPK is true and the mapped table has no registered PKs, an error is returned. func (m *DbMap) TableFor(t reflect.Type, checkPK bool) (*TableMap, error) { table := tableOrNil(m, t) if table == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("no table found for type: %v", t.Name()) } if checkPK && len(table.keys) < 1 { e := fmt.Sprintf("gorp: no keys defined for table: %s", table.TableName) return nil, errors.New(e) } return table, nil } // Prepare creates a prepared statement for later queries or executions. // Multiple queries or executions may be run concurrently from the returned statement. // This is equivalent to running: Prepare() using database/sql func (m *DbMap) Prepare(query string) (*sql.Stmt, error) { if m.logger != nil { now := time.Now() defer m.trace(now, query, nil) } return m.Db.Prepare(query) } func tableOrNil(m *DbMap, t reflect.Type) *TableMap { for i := range m.tables { table := m.tables[i] if table.gotype == t { return table } } return nil } func (m *DbMap) tableForPointer(ptr interface{}, checkPK bool) (*TableMap, reflect.Value, error) { ptrv := reflect.ValueOf(ptr) if ptrv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { e := fmt.Sprintf("gorp: passed non-pointer: %v (kind=%v)", ptr, ptrv.Kind()) return nil, reflect.Value{}, errors.New(e) } elem := ptrv.Elem() etype := reflect.TypeOf(elem.Interface()) t, err := m.TableFor(etype, checkPK) if err != nil { return nil, reflect.Value{}, err } return t, elem, nil } func (m *DbMap) queryRow(query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row { if m.logger != nil { now := time.Now() defer m.trace(now, query, args...) } return m.Db.QueryRow(query, args...) } func (m *DbMap) query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) { if m.logger != nil { now := time.Now() defer m.trace(now, query, args...) } return m.Db.Query(query, args...) } func (m *DbMap) trace(started time.Time, query string, args ...interface{}) { if m.logger != nil { var margs = argsString(args...) m.logger.Printf("%s%s [%s] (%v)", m.logPrefix, query, margs, (time.Now().Sub(started))) } }