issuer: storage: type: sqlite3 config: file: examples/dex.db web: http: connectors: - type: mockCallback id: mock-callback name: Mock # Instead of reading from an external storage, use this list of clients. staticClients: - id: example-app redirectURIs: - '' name: 'Example App' secret: ZXhhbXBsZS1hcHAtc2VjcmV0 # Let dex keep a list of passwords which can be used to login the user. enablePasswordDB: true # A static list of passwords to login the end user. By identifying here, dex # won't look in its undlying storage for passwords. staticPasswords: - email: "" # bcrypt hash of the string "password" hash: "JDJhJDE0JDh4TnlVZ3pzSmVuQm4ySlRPT2QvbmVGcUlnQzF4TEFVRFA3VlpTVzhDNWlkLnFPcmNlYUJX" username: "admin" userID: "08a8684b-db88-4b73-90a9-3cd1661f5466"