PROJ=dex REPO_PATH=$(ORG_PATH)/$(PROJ) export PATH := $(PWD)/bin:$(PATH) VERSION=$(shell ./scripts/git-version) DOCKER_IMAGE=$(DOCKER_REPO):$(VERSION) $( shell mkdir -p bin ) $( shell mkdir -p _output/images ) $( shell mkdir -p _output/bin ) user=$(shell id -u -n) group=$(shell id -g -n) export GOBIN=$(PWD)/bin # Prefer ./bin instead of system packages for things like protoc, where we want # to use the version dex uses, not whatever a developer has installed. export PATH=$(GOBIN):$(shell printenv PATH) export GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT=1 LD_FLAGS="-w -X $(REPO_PATH)/version.Version=$(VERSION)" build: bin/dex bin/example-app bin/dex: FORCE generated @go install -v -ldflags $(LD_FLAGS) $(REPO_PATH)/cmd/dex bin/example-app: FORCE @go install -v -ldflags $(LD_FLAGS) $(REPO_PATH)/cmd/example-app .PHONY: generated generated: server/templates_default.go test: @go test -v -i $(shell go list ./... | grep -v '/vendor/') @go test -v $(shell go list ./... | grep -v '/vendor/') testrace: @go test -v -i --race $(shell go list ./... | grep -v '/vendor/') @go test -v --race $(shell go list ./... | grep -v '/vendor/') vet: @go vet $(shell go list ./... | grep -v '/vendor/') fmt: @go fmt $(shell go list ./... | grep -v '/vendor/') lint: @for package in $(shell go list ./... | grep -v '/vendor/' | grep -v '/api'); do \ golint -set_exit_status $$package; \ done server/templates_default.go: $(wildcard web/templates/**) @go run server/templates_default_gen.go _output/bin/dex: # Using rkt to build the dex binary. @./scripts/rkt-build @sudo chown $(user):$(group) _output/bin/dex _output/images/library-alpine-3.4.aci: @mkdir -p _output/images # Using docker2aci to get a base ACI to build from. @docker2aci docker://alpine:3.4 @mv library-alpine-3.4.aci _output/images/library-alpine-3.4.aci _output/images/dex.aci: _output/bin/dex _output/images/library-alpine-3.4.aci # Using acbuild to build a application container image. @sudo ./scripts/build-aci ./_output/images/library-alpine-3.4.aci @sudo chown $(user):$(group) _output/images/dex.aci .PHONY: aci aci: _output/images/dex.aci .PHONY: docker-image docker-image: _output/bin/dex @docker build -t $(DOCKER_IMAGE) . .PHONY: grpc grpc: api/api.pb.go api/api.pb.go: api/api.proto bin/protoc bin/protoc-gen-go @protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:. api/*.proto bin/protoc: scripts/get-protoc @./scripts/get-protoc bin/protoc bin/protoc-gen-go: @go install -v $(REPO_PATH)/vendor/ clean: @rm -rf bin/ @rm -rf _output/ testall: testrace vet fmt lint FORCE: .PHONY: test testrace vet fmt lint testall