package server

import (


func signingKeyID(t *testing.T, s storage.Storage) string {
	keys, err := s.GetKeys()
	if err != nil {
	return keys.SigningKey.KeyID

func verificationKeyIDs(t *testing.T, s storage.Storage) (ids []string) {
	keys, err := s.GetKeys()
	if err != nil {
	for _, key := range keys.VerificationKeys {
		ids = append(ids, key.PublicKey.KeyID)
	return ids

// slicesEq compare two string slices without modifying the ordering
// of the slices.
func slicesEq(s1, s2 []string) bool {
	if len(s1) != len(s2) {
		return false

	cp := func(s []string) []string {
		c := make([]string, len(s))
		copy(c, s)
		return c

	cp1 := cp(s1)
	cp2 := cp(s2)

	for i, el := range cp1 {
		if el != cp2[i] {
			return false
	return true

func TestKeyRotater(t *testing.T) {
	now := time.Now()

	delta := time.Millisecond
	rotationFrequency := time.Second * 5
	validFor := time.Second * 21

	// Only the last 5 verification keys are expected to be kept around.
	maxVerificationKeys := 5

	l := &logrus.Logger{
		Out:       os.Stderr,
		Formatter: &logrus.TextFormatter{DisableColors: true},
		Level:     logrus.DebugLevel,

	r := &keyRotater{
		Storage:  memory.New(l),
		strategy: defaultRotationStrategy(rotationFrequency, validFor),
		now:      func() time.Time { return now },
		logger:   l,

	var expVerificationKeys []string

	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		now = now.Add(rotationFrequency + delta)
		if err := r.rotate(); err != nil {

		got := verificationKeyIDs(t, r.Storage)

		if !slicesEq(expVerificationKeys, got) {
			t.Errorf("after %d rotation, expected verification keys %q, got %q", i+1, expVerificationKeys, got)

		expVerificationKeys = append(expVerificationKeys, signingKeyID(t, r.Storage))
		if n := len(expVerificationKeys); n > maxVerificationKeys {
			expVerificationKeys = expVerificationKeys[n-maxVerificationKeys:]