// Copyright 2012 James Cooper. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Package gorp provides a simple way to marshal Go structs to and from // SQL databases. It uses the database/sql package, and should work with any // compliant database/sql driver. // // Source code and project home: // https://github.com/go-gorp/gorp // package gorp import ( "fmt" "reflect" ) // OptimisticLockError is returned by Update() or Delete() if the // struct being modified has a Version field and the value is not equal to // the current value in the database type OptimisticLockError struct { // Table name where the lock error occurred TableName string // Primary key values of the row being updated/deleted Keys []interface{} // true if a row was found with those keys, indicating the // LocalVersion is stale. false if no value was found with those // keys, suggesting the row has been deleted since loaded, or // was never inserted to begin with RowExists bool // Version value on the struct passed to Update/Delete. This value is // out of sync with the database. LocalVersion int64 } // Error returns a description of the cause of the lock error func (e OptimisticLockError) Error() string { if e.RowExists { return fmt.Sprintf("gorp: OptimisticLockError table=%s keys=%v out of date version=%d", e.TableName, e.Keys, e.LocalVersion) } return fmt.Sprintf("gorp: OptimisticLockError no row found for table=%s keys=%v", e.TableName, e.Keys) } func lockError(m *DbMap, exec SqlExecutor, tableName string, existingVer int64, elem reflect.Value, keys ...interface{}) (int64, error) { existing, err := get(m, exec, elem.Interface(), keys...) if err != nil { return -1, err } ole := OptimisticLockError{tableName, keys, true, existingVer} if existing == nil { ole.RowExists = false } return -1, ole }