package server import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "html/template" "net/http" "net/url" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" phttp "" "" ) const ( lastSeenMaxAge = time.Minute * 5 discoveryMaxAge = time.Hour * 24 ) var ( httpPathDiscovery = "/.well-known/openid-configuration" httpPathToken = "/token" httpPathKeys = "/keys" httpPathAuth = "/auth" httpPathHealth = "/health" httpPathAPI = "/api" httpPathRegister = "/register" httpPathEmailVerify = "/verify-email" httpPathVerifyEmailResend = "/resend-verify-email" httpPathSendResetPassword = "/send-reset-password" httpPathResetPassword = "/reset-password" httpPathAcceptInvitation = "/accept-invitation" httpPathDebugVars = "/debug/vars" cookieLastSeen = "LastSeen" cookieShowEmailVerifiedMessage = "ShowEmailVerifiedMessage" ) func handleDiscoveryFunc(cfg oidc.ProviderConfig) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.Method != "GET" { w.Header().Set("Allow", "GET") phttp.WriteError(w, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, "GET only acceptable method") return } b, err := json.Marshal(cfg) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Unable to marshal %#v to JSON: %v", cfg, err) } w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", fmt.Sprintf("public, max-age=%d", int(discoveryMaxAge.Seconds()))) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") w.Write(b) } } func handleKeysFunc(km key.PrivateKeyManager, clock clockwork.Clock) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.Method != "GET" { w.Header().Set("Allow", "GET") phttp.WriteError(w, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, "GET only acceptable method") return } jwks, err := km.JWKs() if err != nil { log.Errorf("Failed to get JWKs while serving HTTP request: %v", err) phttp.WriteError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "") return } keys := struct { Keys []jose.JWK `json:"keys"` }{ Keys: jwks, } b, err := json.Marshal(keys) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Unable to marshal signing key to JSON: %v", err) } exp := km.ExpiresAt() w.Header().Set("Expires", exp.Format(time.RFC1123)) ttl := int(exp.Sub(clock.Now()).Seconds()) w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", fmt.Sprintf("public, max-age=%d", ttl)) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) w.Write(b) } } type Link struct { URL string ID string DisplayName string } type templateData struct { Error bool Message string Instruction string Detail string Register bool RegisterOrLoginURL string MsgCode string ShowEmailVerifiedMessage bool Links []Link } // TODO(sym3tri): store this with the connector config var connectorDisplayNameMap = map[string]string{ "google": "Google", "local": "Email", "github": "GitHub", "bitbucket": "Bitbucket", } func execTemplate(w http.ResponseWriter, tpl *template.Template, data interface{}) { execTemplateWithStatus(w, tpl, data, http.StatusOK) } func execTemplateWithStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, tpl *template.Template, data interface{}, status int) { w.WriteHeader(status) if err := tpl.Execute(w, data); err != nil { log.Errorf("Error loading page: %q", err) phttp.WriteError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "error loading page") return } } func renderLoginPage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, srv OIDCServer, idpcs []connector.Connector, register bool, tpl *template.Template) { if tpl == nil { phttp.WriteError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "error loading login page") return } td := templateData{ Message: "Error", Instruction: "Please try again or contact the system administrator", Register: register, ShowEmailVerifiedMessage: consumeShowEmailVerifiedCookie(r, w), } // Render error if remote IdP connector errored and redirected here. q := r.URL.Query() e := q.Get("error") connectorID := q.Get("connector_id") if e != "" { td.Error = true td.Message = "Authentication Error" remoteMsg := q.Get("error_description") if remoteMsg == "" { remoteMsg = q.Get("error") } if connectorID == "" { td.Detail = remoteMsg } else { td.Detail = fmt.Sprintf("Error from %s: %s.", connectorID, remoteMsg) } execTemplate(w, tpl, td) return } if q.Get("msg_code") != "" { td.MsgCode = q.Get("msg_code") } // Render error message if client id is invalid. clientID := q.Get("client_id") cm, err := srv.ClientMetadata(clientID) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Failed fetching client %q from repo: %v", clientID, err) td.Error = true td.Message = "Server Error" execTemplate(w, tpl, td) return } if cm == nil { td.Error = true td.Message = "Authentication Error" td.Detail = "Invalid client ID" execTemplate(w, tpl, td) return } if len(idpcs) == 0 { td.Error = true td.Message = "Server Error" td.Instruction = "Unable to authenticate users at this time" td.Detail = "Authentication service may be misconfigured" execTemplate(w, tpl, td) return } link := *r.URL linkParams := link.Query() if !register { linkParams.Set("register", "1") } else { linkParams.Del("register") } linkParams.Del("msg_code") linkParams.Del("show_connectors") link.RawQuery = linkParams.Encode() td.RegisterOrLoginURL = link.String() var showConnectors map[string]struct{} // Only show the following connectors, if param is present if q.Get("show_connectors") != "" { conns := strings.Split(q.Get("show_connectors"), ",") if len(conns) != 0 { showConnectors = make(map[string]struct{}) for _, connID := range conns { showConnectors[connID] = struct{}{} } } } for _, idpc := range idpcs { id := idpc.ID() if showConnectors != nil { if _, ok := showConnectors[id]; !ok { continue } } var link Link link.ID = id displayName, ok := connectorDisplayNameMap[id] if !ok { displayName = id } link.DisplayName = displayName v := r.URL.Query() v.Set("connector_id", idpc.ID()) v.Set("response_type", "code") link.URL = httpPathAuth + "?" + v.Encode() td.Links = append(td.Links, link) } execTemplate(w, tpl, td) } func handleAuthFunc(srv OIDCServer, idpcs []connector.Connector, tpl *template.Template, registrationEnabled bool) http.HandlerFunc { idx := makeConnectorMap(idpcs) return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.Method != "GET" { w.Header().Set("Allow", "GET") phttp.WriteError(w, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, "GET only acceptable method") return } q := r.URL.Query() register := q.Get("register") == "1" && registrationEnabled e := q.Get("error") if e != "" { sessionKey := q.Get("state") if err := srv.KillSession(sessionKey); err != nil { log.Errorf("Failed killing sessionKey %q: %v", sessionKey, err) } renderLoginPage(w, r, srv, idpcs, register, tpl) return } connectorID := q.Get("connector_id") idpc, ok := idx[connectorID] if !ok { renderLoginPage(w, r, srv, idpcs, register, tpl) return } acr, err := oauth2.ParseAuthCodeRequest(q) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Invalid auth request: %v", err) writeAuthError(w, err, acr.State) return } cm, err := srv.ClientMetadata(acr.ClientID) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Failed fetching client %q from repo: %v", acr.ClientID, err) writeAuthError(w, oauth2.NewError(oauth2.ErrorServerError), acr.State) return } if cm == nil { log.Errorf("Client %q not found", acr.ClientID) writeAuthError(w, oauth2.NewError(oauth2.ErrorInvalidRequest), acr.State) return } if len(cm.RedirectURLs) == 0 { log.Errorf("Client %q has no redirect URLs", acr.ClientID) writeAuthError(w, oauth2.NewError(oauth2.ErrorServerError), acr.State) return } redirectURL, err := client.ValidRedirectURL(acr.RedirectURL, cm.RedirectURLs) if err != nil { switch err { case (client.ErrorCantChooseRedirectURL): log.Errorf("Request must provide redirect URL as client %q has registered many", acr.ClientID) writeAuthError(w, oauth2.NewError(oauth2.ErrorInvalidRequest), acr.State) return case (client.ErrorInvalidRedirectURL): log.Errorf("Request provided unregistered redirect URL: %s", acr.RedirectURL) writeAuthError(w, oauth2.NewError(oauth2.ErrorInvalidRequest), acr.State) return case (client.ErrorNoValidRedirectURLs): log.Errorf("There are no registered URLs for the requested client: %s", acr.RedirectURL) writeAuthError(w, oauth2.NewError(oauth2.ErrorInvalidRequest), acr.State) return } } if acr.ResponseType != oauth2.ResponseTypeCode { log.Errorf("unexpected ResponseType: %v: ", acr.ResponseType) redirectAuthError(w, oauth2.NewError(oauth2.ErrorUnsupportedResponseType), acr.State, redirectURL) return } // Check scopes. var scopes []string foundOpenIDScope := false for _, scope := range acr.Scope { switch scope { case "openid": foundOpenIDScope = true scopes = append(scopes, scope) case "offline_access": // According to the spec, for offline_access scope, the client must // use a response_type value that would result in an Authorization Code. // Currently oauth2.ResponseTypeCode is the only supported response type, // and it's been checked above, so we don't need to check it again here. // // TODO(yifan): Verify that 'consent' should be in 'prompt'. scopes = append(scopes, scope) default: // Pass all other scopes. scopes = append(scopes, scope) } } if !foundOpenIDScope { log.Errorf("Invalid auth request: missing 'openid' in 'scope'") writeAuthError(w, oauth2.NewError(oauth2.ErrorInvalidRequest), acr.State) return } nonce := q.Get("nonce") key, err := srv.NewSession(connectorID, acr.ClientID, acr.State, redirectURL, nonce, register, acr.Scope) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error creating new session: %v: ", err) redirectAuthError(w, err, acr.State, redirectURL) return } if register { _, ok := idpc.(*connector.LocalConnector) if ok { q := url.Values{} q.Set("code", key) ru := httpPathRegister + "?" + q.Encode() w.Header().Set("Location", ru) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) return } } var p string if register { p = "select_account consent" } if shouldReprompt(r) || register { p = "select_account" } lu, err := idpc.LoginURL(key, p) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Connector.LoginURL failed: %v", err) redirectAuthError(w, err, acr.State, redirectURL) return } http.SetCookie(w, createLastSeenCookie()) w.Header().Set("Location", lu) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) return } } func handleTokenFunc(srv OIDCServer) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.Method != "POST" { w.Header().Set("Allow", "POST") phttp.WriteError(w, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed, fmt.Sprintf("POST only acceptable method")) return } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { log.Errorf("error parsing request: %v", err) writeTokenError(w, oauth2.NewError(oauth2.ErrorInvalidRequest), "") return } state := r.PostForm.Get("state") user, password, ok := r.BasicAuth() if !ok { log.Errorf("error parsing basic auth") writeTokenError(w, oauth2.NewError(oauth2.ErrorInvalidClient), state) return } creds := oidc.ClientCredentials{ID: user, Secret: password} var jwt *jose.JWT var refreshToken string grantType := r.PostForm.Get("grant_type") switch grantType { case oauth2.GrantTypeAuthCode: code := r.PostForm.Get("code") if code == "" { log.Errorf("missing code param") writeTokenError(w, oauth2.NewError(oauth2.ErrorInvalidRequest), state) return } jwt, refreshToken, err = srv.CodeToken(creds, code) if err != nil { log.Errorf("couldn't exchange code for token: %v", err) writeTokenError(w, err, state) return } case oauth2.GrantTypeClientCreds: jwt, err = srv.ClientCredsToken(creds) if err != nil { log.Errorf("couldn't creds for token: %v", err) writeTokenError(w, err, state) return } case oauth2.GrantTypeRefreshToken: token := r.PostForm.Get("refresh_token") if token == "" { writeTokenError(w, oauth2.NewError(oauth2.ErrorInvalidRequest), state) return } jwt, err = srv.RefreshToken(creds, token) if err != nil { writeTokenError(w, err, state) return } default: log.Errorf("unsupported grant: %v", grantType) writeTokenError(w, oauth2.NewError(oauth2.ErrorUnsupportedGrantType), state) return } t := oAuth2Token{ AccessToken: jwt.Encode(), IDToken: jwt.Encode(), TokenType: "bearer", RefreshToken: refreshToken, } b, err := json.Marshal(t) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Failed marshaling %#v to JSON: %v", t, err) writeTokenError(w, oauth2.NewError(oauth2.ErrorServerError), state) return } w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) w.Write(b) } } func makeHealthHandler(checks []health.Checkable) http.Handler { return health.Checker{ Checks: checks, } } type oAuth2Token struct { AccessToken string `json:"access_token"` IDToken string `json:"id_token"` TokenType string `json:"token_type"` RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token,omitempty"` } func createLastSeenCookie() *http.Cookie { now := time.Now() return &http.Cookie{ HttpOnly: true, Name: cookieLastSeen, MaxAge: int(lastSeenMaxAge.Seconds()), // For old IE, ignored by most browsers. Expires: now.Add(lastSeenMaxAge), } } // shouldReprompt determines if user should be re-prompted for login based on existence of a cookie. func shouldReprompt(r *http.Request) bool { _, err := r.Cookie(cookieLastSeen) if err == nil { return true } return false } func consumeShowEmailVerifiedCookie(r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter) bool { _, err := r.Cookie(cookieShowEmailVerifiedMessage) if err == nil { deleteCookie(w, cookieShowEmailVerifiedMessage) return true } return false } func deleteCookie(w http.ResponseWriter, name string) { now := time.Now() http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{ Name: name, MaxAge: -100, Expires: now.Add(time.Second * -100), }) } func makeConnectorMap(idpcs []connector.Connector) map[string]connector.Connector { idx := make(map[string]connector.Connector, len(idpcs)) for _, idpc := range idpcs { idx[idpc.ID()] = idpc } return idx }