# Authentication using OpenShift ## Overview Dex can make use of users and groups defined within OpenShift by querying the platform provided OAuth server. ## Configuration ### Creating an OAuth Client Two forms of OAuth Clients can be utilized: * [Using a Service Account as an OAuth Client](https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/latest/authentication/using-service-accounts-as-oauth-client.html) (Recommended) * [Registering An Additional OAuth Client](https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/latest/authentication/configuring-internal-oauth.html#oauth-register-additional-client_configuring-internal-oauth) #### Using a Service Account as an OAuth Client OpenShift Service Accounts can be used as a constrained form of OAuth client. Making use of a Service Account to represent an OAuth Client is the recommended option as it does not require elevated privileged within the OpenShift cluster. Create a new Service Account or make use of an existing Service Account. Patch the Service Account to add an annotation for location of the Redirect URI ``` oc patch serviceaccount --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/metadata/annotations/serviceaccounts.openshift.io/oauth-redirecturi.dex", "value":"https:////callback"}]' ``` The Client ID for a Service Account representing an OAuth Client takes the form `system:serviceaccount::` The Client Secret for a Service Account representing an OAuth Client is the long lived OAuth Token that is configued for the Service Account. Execute the following command to retrieve the OAuth Token. ``` oc serviceaccounts get-token ``` #### Registering An Additional OAuth Client Instead of using a constrained form of Service Account to represent an OAuth Client, an additional OAuthClient resource can be created. Create a new OAuthClient resource similar to the following: ```yaml kind: OAuthClient apiVersion: oauth.openshift.io/v1 metadata: name: dex # The value that should be utilized as the `client_secret` secret: "" # List of valid addresses for the callback. Ensure one of the values that are provided is `(dex issuer)/callback` redirectURIs: - "https:////callback" grantMethod: prompt ``` ### Dex Configuration The following is an example of a configuration for `examples/config-dev.yaml`: ```yaml connectors: - type: openshift # Required field for connector id. id: openshift # Required field for connector name. name: OpenShift config: # OpenShift API issuer: https://api.mycluster.example.com:6443 # Credentials can be string literals or pulled from the environment. clientID: $OPENSHIFT_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID clientSecret: $OPENSHIFT_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET redirectURI: # Optional: Specify whether to communicate to OpenShift without validating SSL ceertificates insecureCA: false # Optional: The location of file containing SSL certificates to commmunicate to OpenShift rootCA: /etc/ssl/openshift.pem # Optional list of required groups a user mmust be a member of groups: - users ```