# Authentication through GitHub ## Overview One of the login options for dex uses the GitHub OAuth2 flow to identify the end user through their GitHub account. When a client redeems a refresh token through dex, dex will re-query GitHub to update user information in the ID Token. To do this, __dex stores a readonly GitHub access token in its backing datastore.__ Users that reject dex's access through GitHub will also revoke all dex clients which authenticated them through GitHub. ## Caveats * Please note that in order for a user to be authenticated via GitHub, the user needs to mark their email id as public on GitHub. This will enable the API to return the user's email to Dex. * Currently, authentication via GitHub allows users outside of the `Org` specified in the connector to login. This is being tracked by [issue #920][issue-920]. ## Configuration Register a new application with [GitHub][github-oauth2] ensuring the callback URL is `(dex issuer)/callback`. For example if dex is listening at the non-root path `https://auth.example.com/dex` the callback would be `https://auth.example.com/dex/callback`. The following is an example of a configuration for `examples/config-dev.yaml`: ```yaml connectors: - type: github # Required field for connector id. id: github # Required field for connector name. name: GitHub config: # Credentials can be string literals or pulled from the environment. clientID: $GITHUB_CLIENT_ID clientSecret: $GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET redirectURI: # Optional organization to pull teams from, communicate through the # "groups" scope. # # NOTE: This is an EXPERIMENTAL config option and will likely change. org: my-oranization ``` ## GitHub Enterprise Users can use their GitHub Enterprise account to login to dex. The following configuration can be used to enable a GitHub Enterprise connector on dex: ```yaml connectors: - type: github # Required field for connector id. id: github # Required field for connector name. name: GitHub config: # Required fields. Dex must be pre-registered with GitHub Enterprise # to get the following values. # Credentials can be string literals or pulled from the environment. clientID: $GITHUB_CLIENT_ID clientSecret: $GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET redirectURI: # Optional organization to pull teams from, communicate through the # "groups" scope. # # NOTE: This is an EXPERIMENTAL config option and will likely change. org: my-oranization # Required ONLY for GitHub Enterprise. # This is the Hostname of the GitHub Enterprise account listed on the # management console. Ensure this domain is routable on your network. hostName: git.example.com # ONLY for GitHub Enterprise. Optional field. # Used to support self-signed or untrusted CA root certificates. rootCA: /etc/dex/ca.crt ``` [github-oauth2]: https://github.com/settings/applications/new [issue-920]: https://github.com/coreos/dex/issues/920