forked from mystiq/dex
add PKCE support to device code flow (#2575)
Signed-off-by: Bob Callaway <>
This commit is contained in:
20 changed files with 790 additions and 32 deletions
@ -73,6 +73,17 @@ func (s *Server) handleDeviceCode(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
clientID := r.Form.Get("client_id")
clientSecret := r.Form.Get("client_secret")
scopes := strings.Fields(r.Form.Get("scope"))
codeChallenge := r.Form.Get("code_challenge")
codeChallengeMethod := r.Form.Get("code_challenge_method")
if codeChallengeMethod == "" {
codeChallengeMethod = codeChallengeMethodPlain
if codeChallengeMethod != codeChallengeMethodS256 && codeChallengeMethod != codeChallengeMethodPlain {
description := fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported PKCE challenge method (%q).", codeChallengeMethod)
s.tokenErrHelper(w, errInvalidRequest, description, http.StatusBadRequest)
s.logger.Infof("Received device request for client %v with scopes %v", clientID, scopes)
@ -108,6 +119,10 @@ func (s *Server) handleDeviceCode(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
Expiry: expireTime,
PollIntervalSeconds: 0,
PKCE: storage.PKCE{
CodeChallenge: codeChallenge,
CodeChallengeMethod: codeChallengeMethod,
if err :=; err != nil {
@ -236,6 +251,30 @@ func (s *Server) handleDeviceToken(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
s.tokenErrHelper(w, deviceTokenPending, "", http.StatusUnauthorized)
case deviceTokenComplete:
codeChallengeFromStorage := deviceToken.PKCE.CodeChallenge
providedCodeVerifier := r.Form.Get("code_verifier")
switch {
case providedCodeVerifier != "" && codeChallengeFromStorage != "":
calculatedCodeChallenge, err := s.calculateCodeChallenge(providedCodeVerifier, deviceToken.PKCE.CodeChallengeMethod)
if err != nil {
s.tokenErrHelper(w, errServerError, "", http.StatusInternalServerError)
if codeChallengeFromStorage != calculatedCodeChallenge {
s.tokenErrHelper(w, errInvalidGrant, "Invalid code_verifier.", http.StatusBadRequest)
case providedCodeVerifier != "":
// Received no code_challenge on /auth, but a code_verifier on /token
s.tokenErrHelper(w, errInvalidRequest, "No PKCE flow started. Cannot check code_verifier.", http.StatusBadRequest)
case codeChallengeFromStorage != "":
// Received PKCE request on /auth, but no code_verifier on /token
s.tokenErrHelper(w, errInvalidGrant, "Expecting parameter code_verifier in PKCE flow.", http.StatusBadRequest)
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ func TestHandleDeviceCode(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
testName string
clientID string
codeChallengeMethod string
requestType string
scopes []string
expectedResponseCode int
@ -71,6 +72,24 @@ func TestHandleDeviceCode(t *testing.T) {
expectedResponseCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
expectedContentType: "application/json",
testName: "New Code with valid PKCE",
clientID: "test",
requestType: "POST",
scopes: []string{"openid", "profile", "email"},
codeChallengeMethod: "S256",
expectedResponseCode: http.StatusOK,
expectedContentType: "application/json",
testName: "Invalid code challenge method",
clientID: "test",
requestType: "POST",
codeChallengeMethod: "invalid",
scopes: []string{"openid", "profile", "email"},
expectedResponseCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
expectedContentType: "application/json",
for _, tc := range tests {
t.Run(tc.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
@ -92,6 +111,7 @@ func TestHandleDeviceCode(t *testing.T) {
data := url.Values{}
data.Set("client_id", tc.clientID)
data.Set("code_challenge_method", tc.codeChallengeMethod)
for _, scope := range tc.scopes {
data.Add("scope", scope)
@ -401,6 +421,13 @@ func TestDeviceTokenResponse(t *testing.T) {
now := func() time.Time { return t0 }
// Base PKCE values
// base64-urlencoded, sha256 digest of code_verifier
codeChallenge := "L7ZqsT_zNwvrH8E7J0CqPHx1wgBaFiaE-fAZcKUUAbc"
codeChallengeMethod := "S256"
// "random" string between 43 & 128 ASCII characters
codeVerifier := "66114650f56cc45dee7ee03c49f048ddf9aa53cbf5b09985832fa4f790ff2604"
baseDeviceRequest := storage.DeviceRequest{
UserCode: "ABCD-WXYZ",
DeviceCode: "foo",
@ -415,6 +442,7 @@ func TestDeviceTokenResponse(t *testing.T) {
testDeviceToken storage.DeviceToken
testGrantType string
testDeviceCode string
testCodeVerifier string
expectedServerResponse string
expectedResponseCode int
@ -524,6 +552,101 @@ func TestDeviceTokenResponse(t *testing.T) {
expectedServerResponse: "{\"access_token\": \"foobar\"}",
expectedResponseCode: http.StatusOK,
testName: "Successful Exchange with PKCE",
testDeviceToken: storage.DeviceToken{
DeviceCode: "foo",
Status: deviceTokenComplete,
Token: "{\"access_token\": \"foobar\"}",
Expiry: now().Add(5 * time.Minute),
LastRequestTime: time.Time{},
PollIntervalSeconds: 0,
PKCE: storage.PKCE{
CodeChallenge: codeChallenge,
CodeChallengeMethod: codeChallengeMethod,
testDeviceCode: "foo",
testCodeVerifier: codeVerifier,
testDeviceRequest: baseDeviceRequest,
expectedServerResponse: "{\"access_token\": \"foobar\"}",
expectedResponseCode: http.StatusOK,
testName: "Test Exchange started with PKCE but without verifier provided",
testDeviceToken: storage.DeviceToken{
DeviceCode: "foo",
Status: deviceTokenComplete,
Token: "{\"access_token\": \"foobar\"}",
Expiry: now().Add(5 * time.Minute),
LastRequestTime: time.Time{},
PollIntervalSeconds: 0,
PKCE: storage.PKCE{
CodeChallenge: codeChallenge,
CodeChallengeMethod: codeChallengeMethod,
testDeviceCode: "foo",
testDeviceRequest: baseDeviceRequest,
expectedServerResponse: errInvalidGrant,
expectedResponseCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
testName: "Test Exchange not started with PKCE but verifier provided",
testDeviceToken: storage.DeviceToken{
DeviceCode: "foo",
Status: deviceTokenComplete,
Token: "{\"access_token\": \"foobar\"}",
Expiry: now().Add(5 * time.Minute),
LastRequestTime: time.Time{},
PollIntervalSeconds: 0,
testDeviceCode: "foo",
testCodeVerifier: codeVerifier,
testDeviceRequest: baseDeviceRequest,
expectedServerResponse: errInvalidRequest,
expectedResponseCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
testName: "Test with PKCE but incorrect verifier provided",
testDeviceToken: storage.DeviceToken{
DeviceCode: "foo",
Status: deviceTokenComplete,
Token: "{\"access_token\": \"foobar\"}",
Expiry: now().Add(5 * time.Minute),
LastRequestTime: time.Time{},
PollIntervalSeconds: 0,
PKCE: storage.PKCE{
CodeChallenge: codeChallenge,
CodeChallengeMethod: codeChallengeMethod,
testDeviceCode: "foo",
testCodeVerifier: "invalid",
testDeviceRequest: baseDeviceRequest,
expectedServerResponse: errInvalidGrant,
expectedResponseCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
testName: "Test with PKCE but incorrect challenge provided",
testDeviceToken: storage.DeviceToken{
DeviceCode: "foo",
Status: deviceTokenComplete,
Token: "{\"access_token\": \"foobar\"}",
Expiry: now().Add(5 * time.Minute),
LastRequestTime: time.Time{},
PollIntervalSeconds: 0,
PKCE: storage.PKCE{
CodeChallenge: "invalid",
CodeChallengeMethod: codeChallengeMethod,
testDeviceCode: "foo",
testCodeVerifier: codeVerifier,
testDeviceRequest: baseDeviceRequest,
expectedServerResponse: errInvalidGrant,
expectedResponseCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
for _, tc := range tests {
t.Run(tc.testName, func(t *testing.T) {
@ -558,6 +681,9 @@ func TestDeviceTokenResponse(t *testing.T) {
data.Set("grant_type", grantType)
data.Set("device_code", tc.testDeviceCode)
if tc.testCodeVerifier != "" {
data.Set("code_verifier", tc.testCodeVerifier)
req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", u.String(), bytes.NewBufferString(data.Encode()))
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; param=value")
@ -890,6 +890,10 @@ func testGC(t *testing.T, s storage.Storage) {
Expiry: expiry,
LastRequestTime: time.Now(),
PollIntervalSeconds: 0,
PKCE: storage.PKCE{
CodeChallenge: "challenge",
CodeChallengeMethod: "S256",
if err := s.CreateDeviceToken(dt); err != nil {
@ -989,6 +993,11 @@ func testDeviceRequestCRUD(t *testing.T, s storage.Storage) {
func testDeviceTokenCRUD(t *testing.T, s storage.Storage) {
codeChallenge := storage.PKCE{
CodeChallenge: "code_challenge_test",
CodeChallengeMethod: "plain",
// Create a Token
d1 := storage.DeviceToken{
DeviceCode: storage.NewID(),
@ -997,6 +1006,7 @@ func testDeviceTokenCRUD(t *testing.T, s storage.Storage) {
Expiry: neverExpire,
LastRequestTime: time.Now(),
PollIntervalSeconds: 0,
PKCE: codeChallenge,
if err := s.CreateDeviceToken(d1); err != nil {
@ -1029,4 +1039,7 @@ func testDeviceTokenCRUD(t *testing.T, s storage.Storage) {
if got.Token != "token data" {
t.Fatalf("update failed, wanted token %v got %v", "token data", got.Token)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got.PKCE, codeChallenge) {
t.Fatalf("storage does not support PKCE, wanted challenge=%#v got %#v", codeChallenge, got.PKCE)
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ func (d *Database) CreateDeviceToken(token storage.DeviceToken) error {
if err != nil {
return convertDBError("create device token: %w", err)
@ -63,6 +65,8 @@ func (d *Database) UpdateDeviceToken(deviceCode string, updater func(old storage
if err != nil {
return rollback(tx, "update device token uploading: %w", err)
@ -164,5 +164,9 @@ func toStorageDeviceToken(t *db.DeviceToken) storage.DeviceToken {
Expiry: t.Expiry,
LastRequestTime: t.LastRequest,
PollIntervalSeconds: t.PollInterval,
PKCE: storage.PKCE{
CodeChallenge: t.CodeChallenge,
CodeChallengeMethod: t.CodeChallengeMethod,
@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ type DeviceToken struct {
LastRequest time.Time `json:"last_request,omitempty"`
// PollInterval holds the value of the "poll_interval" field.
PollInterval int `json:"poll_interval,omitempty"`
// CodeChallenge holds the value of the "code_challenge" field.
CodeChallenge string `json:"code_challenge,omitempty"`
// CodeChallengeMethod holds the value of the "code_challenge_method" field.
CodeChallengeMethod string `json:"code_challenge_method,omitempty"`
// scanValues returns the types for scanning values from sql.Rows.
@ -39,7 +43,7 @@ func (*DeviceToken) scanValues(columns []string) ([]interface{}, error) {
values[i] = new([]byte)
case devicetoken.FieldID, devicetoken.FieldPollInterval:
values[i] = new(sql.NullInt64)
case devicetoken.FieldDeviceCode, devicetoken.FieldStatus:
case devicetoken.FieldDeviceCode, devicetoken.FieldStatus, devicetoken.FieldCodeChallenge, devicetoken.FieldCodeChallengeMethod:
values[i] = new(sql.NullString)
case devicetoken.FieldExpiry, devicetoken.FieldLastRequest:
values[i] = new(sql.NullTime)
@ -100,6 +104,18 @@ func (dt *DeviceToken) assignValues(columns []string, values []interface{}) erro
} else if value.Valid {
dt.PollInterval = int(value.Int64)
case devicetoken.FieldCodeChallenge:
if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field code_challenge", values[i])
} else if value.Valid {
dt.CodeChallenge = value.String
case devicetoken.FieldCodeChallengeMethod:
if value, ok := values[i].(*sql.NullString); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field code_challenge_method", values[i])
} else if value.Valid {
dt.CodeChallengeMethod = value.String
return nil
@ -142,6 +158,10 @@ func (dt *DeviceToken) String() string {
builder.WriteString(", poll_interval=")
builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", dt.PollInterval))
builder.WriteString(", code_challenge=")
builder.WriteString(", code_challenge_method=")
return builder.String()
@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ const (
FieldLastRequest = "last_request"
// FieldPollInterval holds the string denoting the poll_interval field in the database.
FieldPollInterval = "poll_interval"
// FieldCodeChallenge holds the string denoting the code_challenge field in the database.
FieldCodeChallenge = "code_challenge"
// FieldCodeChallengeMethod holds the string denoting the code_challenge_method field in the database.
FieldCodeChallengeMethod = "code_challenge_method"
// Table holds the table name of the devicetoken in the database.
Table = "device_tokens"
@ -32,6 +36,8 @@ var Columns = []string{
// ValidColumn reports if the column name is valid (part of the table columns).
@ -49,4 +55,8 @@ var (
DeviceCodeValidator func(string) error
// StatusValidator is a validator for the "status" field. It is called by the builders before save.
StatusValidator func(string) error
// DefaultCodeChallenge holds the default value on creation for the "code_challenge" field.
DefaultCodeChallenge string
// DefaultCodeChallengeMethod holds the default value on creation for the "code_challenge_method" field.
DefaultCodeChallengeMethod string
@ -134,6 +134,20 @@ func PollInterval(v int) predicate.DeviceToken {
// CodeChallenge applies equality check predicate on the "code_challenge" field. It's identical to CodeChallengeEQ.
func CodeChallenge(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldCodeChallenge), v))
// CodeChallengeMethod applies equality check predicate on the "code_challenge_method" field. It's identical to CodeChallengeMethodEQ.
func CodeChallengeMethod(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldCodeChallengeMethod), v))
// DeviceCodeEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "device_code" field.
func DeviceCodeEQ(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
@ -674,6 +688,228 @@ func PollIntervalLTE(v int) predicate.DeviceToken {
// CodeChallengeEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "code_challenge" field.
func CodeChallengeEQ(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldCodeChallenge), v))
// CodeChallengeNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "code_challenge" field.
func CodeChallengeNEQ(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldCodeChallenge), v))
// CodeChallengeIn applies the In predicate on the "code_challenge" field.
func CodeChallengeIn(vs ...string) predicate.DeviceToken {
v := make([]interface{}, len(vs))
for i := range v {
v[i] = vs[i]
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
// if not arguments were provided, append the FALSE constants,
// since we can't apply "IN ()". This will make this predicate falsy.
if len(v) == 0 {
s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldCodeChallenge), v...))
// CodeChallengeNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "code_challenge" field.
func CodeChallengeNotIn(vs ...string) predicate.DeviceToken {
v := make([]interface{}, len(vs))
for i := range v {
v[i] = vs[i]
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
// if not arguments were provided, append the FALSE constants,
// since we can't apply "IN ()". This will make this predicate falsy.
if len(v) == 0 {
s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldCodeChallenge), v...))
// CodeChallengeGT applies the GT predicate on the "code_challenge" field.
func CodeChallengeGT(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldCodeChallenge), v))
// CodeChallengeGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "code_challenge" field.
func CodeChallengeGTE(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldCodeChallenge), v))
// CodeChallengeLT applies the LT predicate on the "code_challenge" field.
func CodeChallengeLT(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldCodeChallenge), v))
// CodeChallengeLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "code_challenge" field.
func CodeChallengeLTE(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldCodeChallenge), v))
// CodeChallengeContains applies the Contains predicate on the "code_challenge" field.
func CodeChallengeContains(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.Contains(s.C(FieldCodeChallenge), v))
// CodeChallengeHasPrefix applies the HasPrefix predicate on the "code_challenge" field.
func CodeChallengeHasPrefix(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.HasPrefix(s.C(FieldCodeChallenge), v))
// CodeChallengeHasSuffix applies the HasSuffix predicate on the "code_challenge" field.
func CodeChallengeHasSuffix(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.HasSuffix(s.C(FieldCodeChallenge), v))
// CodeChallengeEqualFold applies the EqualFold predicate on the "code_challenge" field.
func CodeChallengeEqualFold(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.EqualFold(s.C(FieldCodeChallenge), v))
// CodeChallengeContainsFold applies the ContainsFold predicate on the "code_challenge" field.
func CodeChallengeContainsFold(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.ContainsFold(s.C(FieldCodeChallenge), v))
// CodeChallengeMethodEQ applies the EQ predicate on the "code_challenge_method" field.
func CodeChallengeMethodEQ(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.EQ(s.C(FieldCodeChallengeMethod), v))
// CodeChallengeMethodNEQ applies the NEQ predicate on the "code_challenge_method" field.
func CodeChallengeMethodNEQ(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.NEQ(s.C(FieldCodeChallengeMethod), v))
// CodeChallengeMethodIn applies the In predicate on the "code_challenge_method" field.
func CodeChallengeMethodIn(vs ...string) predicate.DeviceToken {
v := make([]interface{}, len(vs))
for i := range v {
v[i] = vs[i]
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
// if not arguments were provided, append the FALSE constants,
// since we can't apply "IN ()". This will make this predicate falsy.
if len(v) == 0 {
s.Where(sql.In(s.C(FieldCodeChallengeMethod), v...))
// CodeChallengeMethodNotIn applies the NotIn predicate on the "code_challenge_method" field.
func CodeChallengeMethodNotIn(vs ...string) predicate.DeviceToken {
v := make([]interface{}, len(vs))
for i := range v {
v[i] = vs[i]
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
// if not arguments were provided, append the FALSE constants,
// since we can't apply "IN ()". This will make this predicate falsy.
if len(v) == 0 {
s.Where(sql.NotIn(s.C(FieldCodeChallengeMethod), v...))
// CodeChallengeMethodGT applies the GT predicate on the "code_challenge_method" field.
func CodeChallengeMethodGT(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.GT(s.C(FieldCodeChallengeMethod), v))
// CodeChallengeMethodGTE applies the GTE predicate on the "code_challenge_method" field.
func CodeChallengeMethodGTE(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.GTE(s.C(FieldCodeChallengeMethod), v))
// CodeChallengeMethodLT applies the LT predicate on the "code_challenge_method" field.
func CodeChallengeMethodLT(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.LT(s.C(FieldCodeChallengeMethod), v))
// CodeChallengeMethodLTE applies the LTE predicate on the "code_challenge_method" field.
func CodeChallengeMethodLTE(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.LTE(s.C(FieldCodeChallengeMethod), v))
// CodeChallengeMethodContains applies the Contains predicate on the "code_challenge_method" field.
func CodeChallengeMethodContains(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.Contains(s.C(FieldCodeChallengeMethod), v))
// CodeChallengeMethodHasPrefix applies the HasPrefix predicate on the "code_challenge_method" field.
func CodeChallengeMethodHasPrefix(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.HasPrefix(s.C(FieldCodeChallengeMethod), v))
// CodeChallengeMethodHasSuffix applies the HasSuffix predicate on the "code_challenge_method" field.
func CodeChallengeMethodHasSuffix(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.HasSuffix(s.C(FieldCodeChallengeMethod), v))
// CodeChallengeMethodEqualFold applies the EqualFold predicate on the "code_challenge_method" field.
func CodeChallengeMethodEqualFold(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.EqualFold(s.C(FieldCodeChallengeMethod), v))
// CodeChallengeMethodContainsFold applies the ContainsFold predicate on the "code_challenge_method" field.
func CodeChallengeMethodContainsFold(v string) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.Where(sql.ContainsFold(s.C(FieldCodeChallengeMethod), v))
// And groups predicates with the AND operator between them.
func And(predicates ...predicate.DeviceToken) predicate.DeviceToken {
return predicate.DeviceToken(func(s *sql.Selector) {
@ -56,6 +56,34 @@ func (dtc *DeviceTokenCreate) SetPollInterval(i int) *DeviceTokenCreate {
return dtc
// SetCodeChallenge sets the "code_challenge" field.
func (dtc *DeviceTokenCreate) SetCodeChallenge(s string) *DeviceTokenCreate {
return dtc
// SetNillableCodeChallenge sets the "code_challenge" field if the given value is not nil.
func (dtc *DeviceTokenCreate) SetNillableCodeChallenge(s *string) *DeviceTokenCreate {
if s != nil {
return dtc
// SetCodeChallengeMethod sets the "code_challenge_method" field.
func (dtc *DeviceTokenCreate) SetCodeChallengeMethod(s string) *DeviceTokenCreate {
return dtc
// SetNillableCodeChallengeMethod sets the "code_challenge_method" field if the given value is not nil.
func (dtc *DeviceTokenCreate) SetNillableCodeChallengeMethod(s *string) *DeviceTokenCreate {
if s != nil {
return dtc
// Mutation returns the DeviceTokenMutation object of the builder.
func (dtc *DeviceTokenCreate) Mutation() *DeviceTokenMutation {
return dtc.mutation
@ -67,6 +95,7 @@ func (dtc *DeviceTokenCreate) Save(ctx context.Context) (*DeviceToken, error) {
err error
node *DeviceToken
if len(dtc.hooks) == 0 {
if err = dtc.check(); err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -124,6 +153,18 @@ func (dtc *DeviceTokenCreate) ExecX(ctx context.Context) {
// defaults sets the default values of the builder before save.
func (dtc *DeviceTokenCreate) defaults() {
if _, ok := dtc.mutation.CodeChallenge(); !ok {
v := devicetoken.DefaultCodeChallenge
if _, ok := dtc.mutation.CodeChallengeMethod(); !ok {
v := devicetoken.DefaultCodeChallengeMethod
// check runs all checks and user-defined validators on the builder.
func (dtc *DeviceTokenCreate) check() error {
if _, ok := dtc.mutation.DeviceCode(); !ok {
@ -151,6 +192,12 @@ func (dtc *DeviceTokenCreate) check() error {
if _, ok := dtc.mutation.PollInterval(); !ok {
return &ValidationError{Name: "poll_interval", err: errors.New(`db: missing required field "DeviceToken.poll_interval"`)}
if _, ok := dtc.mutation.CodeChallenge(); !ok {
return &ValidationError{Name: "code_challenge", err: errors.New(`db: missing required field "DeviceToken.code_challenge"`)}
if _, ok := dtc.mutation.CodeChallengeMethod(); !ok {
return &ValidationError{Name: "code_challenge_method", err: errors.New(`db: missing required field "DeviceToken.code_challenge_method"`)}
return nil
@ -226,6 +273,22 @@ func (dtc *DeviceTokenCreate) createSpec() (*DeviceToken, *sqlgraph.CreateSpec)
_node.PollInterval = value
if value, ok := dtc.mutation.CodeChallenge(); ok {
_spec.Fields = append(_spec.Fields, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{
Type: field.TypeString,
Value: value,
Column: devicetoken.FieldCodeChallenge,
_node.CodeChallenge = value
if value, ok := dtc.mutation.CodeChallengeMethod(); ok {
_spec.Fields = append(_spec.Fields, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{
Type: field.TypeString,
Value: value,
Column: devicetoken.FieldCodeChallengeMethod,
_node.CodeChallengeMethod = value
return _node, _spec
@ -243,6 +306,7 @@ func (dtcb *DeviceTokenCreateBulk) Save(ctx context.Context) ([]*DeviceToken, er
for i := range {
func(i int, root context.Context) {
builder :=[i]
var mut Mutator = MutateFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m Mutation) (Value, error) {
mutation, ok := m.(*DeviceTokenMutation)
if !ok {
@ -77,6 +77,34 @@ func (dtu *DeviceTokenUpdate) AddPollInterval(i int) *DeviceTokenUpdate {
return dtu
// SetCodeChallenge sets the "code_challenge" field.
func (dtu *DeviceTokenUpdate) SetCodeChallenge(s string) *DeviceTokenUpdate {
return dtu
// SetNillableCodeChallenge sets the "code_challenge" field if the given value is not nil.
func (dtu *DeviceTokenUpdate) SetNillableCodeChallenge(s *string) *DeviceTokenUpdate {
if s != nil {
return dtu
// SetCodeChallengeMethod sets the "code_challenge_method" field.
func (dtu *DeviceTokenUpdate) SetCodeChallengeMethod(s string) *DeviceTokenUpdate {
return dtu
// SetNillableCodeChallengeMethod sets the "code_challenge_method" field if the given value is not nil.
func (dtu *DeviceTokenUpdate) SetNillableCodeChallengeMethod(s *string) *DeviceTokenUpdate {
if s != nil {
return dtu
// Mutation returns the DeviceTokenMutation object of the builder.
func (dtu *DeviceTokenUpdate) Mutation() *DeviceTokenMutation {
return dtu.mutation
@ -230,6 +258,20 @@ func (dtu *DeviceTokenUpdate) sqlSave(ctx context.Context) (n int, err error) {
Column: devicetoken.FieldPollInterval,
if value, ok := dtu.mutation.CodeChallenge(); ok {
_spec.Fields.Set = append(_spec.Fields.Set, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{
Type: field.TypeString,
Value: value,
Column: devicetoken.FieldCodeChallenge,
if value, ok := dtu.mutation.CodeChallengeMethod(); ok {
_spec.Fields.Set = append(_spec.Fields.Set, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{
Type: field.TypeString,
Value: value,
Column: devicetoken.FieldCodeChallengeMethod,
if n, err = sqlgraph.UpdateNodes(ctx, dtu.driver, _spec); err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(*sqlgraph.NotFoundError); ok {
err = &NotFoundError{devicetoken.Label}
@ -298,6 +340,34 @@ func (dtuo *DeviceTokenUpdateOne) AddPollInterval(i int) *DeviceTokenUpdateOne {
return dtuo
// SetCodeChallenge sets the "code_challenge" field.
func (dtuo *DeviceTokenUpdateOne) SetCodeChallenge(s string) *DeviceTokenUpdateOne {
return dtuo
// SetNillableCodeChallenge sets the "code_challenge" field if the given value is not nil.
func (dtuo *DeviceTokenUpdateOne) SetNillableCodeChallenge(s *string) *DeviceTokenUpdateOne {
if s != nil {
return dtuo
// SetCodeChallengeMethod sets the "code_challenge_method" field.
func (dtuo *DeviceTokenUpdateOne) SetCodeChallengeMethod(s string) *DeviceTokenUpdateOne {
return dtuo
// SetNillableCodeChallengeMethod sets the "code_challenge_method" field if the given value is not nil.
func (dtuo *DeviceTokenUpdateOne) SetNillableCodeChallengeMethod(s *string) *DeviceTokenUpdateOne {
if s != nil {
return dtuo
// Mutation returns the DeviceTokenMutation object of the builder.
func (dtuo *DeviceTokenUpdateOne) Mutation() *DeviceTokenMutation {
return dtuo.mutation
@ -475,6 +545,20 @@ func (dtuo *DeviceTokenUpdateOne) sqlSave(ctx context.Context) (_node *DeviceTok
Column: devicetoken.FieldPollInterval,
if value, ok := dtuo.mutation.CodeChallenge(); ok {
_spec.Fields.Set = append(_spec.Fields.Set, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{
Type: field.TypeString,
Value: value,
Column: devicetoken.FieldCodeChallenge,
if value, ok := dtuo.mutation.CodeChallengeMethod(); ok {
_spec.Fields.Set = append(_spec.Fields.Set, &sqlgraph.FieldSpec{
Type: field.TypeString,
Value: value,
Column: devicetoken.FieldCodeChallengeMethod,
_node = &DeviceToken{config: dtuo.config}
_spec.Assign = _node.assignValues
_spec.ScanValues = _node.scanValues
@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ var (
{Name: "expiry", Type: field.TypeTime, SchemaType: map[string]string{"mysql": "datetime(3)", "postgres": "timestamptz", "sqlite3": "timestamp"}},
{Name: "last_request", Type: field.TypeTime, SchemaType: map[string]string{"mysql": "datetime(3)", "postgres": "timestamptz", "sqlite3": "timestamp"}},
{Name: "poll_interval", Type: field.TypeInt},
{Name: "code_challenge", Type: field.TypeString, Size: 2147483647, Default: "", SchemaType: map[string]string{"mysql": "varchar(384)", "postgres": "text", "sqlite3": "text"}},
{Name: "code_challenge_method", Type: field.TypeString, Size: 2147483647, Default: "", SchemaType: map[string]string{"mysql": "varchar(384)", "postgres": "text", "sqlite3": "text"}},
// DeviceTokensTable holds the schema information for the "device_tokens" table.
DeviceTokensTable = &schema.Table{
@ -3633,20 +3633,22 @@ func (m *DeviceRequestMutation) ResetEdge(name string) error {
// DeviceTokenMutation represents an operation that mutates the DeviceToken nodes in the graph.
type DeviceTokenMutation struct {
op Op
typ string
id *int
device_code *string
status *string
token *[]byte
expiry *time.Time
last_request *time.Time
poll_interval *int
addpoll_interval *int
clearedFields map[string]struct{}
done bool
oldValue func(context.Context) (*DeviceToken, error)
predicates []predicate.DeviceToken
op Op
typ string
id *int
device_code *string
status *string
token *[]byte
expiry *time.Time
last_request *time.Time
poll_interval *int
addpoll_interval *int
code_challenge *string
code_challenge_method *string
clearedFields map[string]struct{}
done bool
oldValue func(context.Context) (*DeviceToken, error)
predicates []predicate.DeviceToken
var _ ent.Mutation = (*DeviceTokenMutation)(nil)
@ -3996,6 +3998,78 @@ func (m *DeviceTokenMutation) ResetPollInterval() {
m.addpoll_interval = nil
// SetCodeChallenge sets the "code_challenge" field.
func (m *DeviceTokenMutation) SetCodeChallenge(s string) {
m.code_challenge = &s
// CodeChallenge returns the value of the "code_challenge" field in the mutation.
func (m *DeviceTokenMutation) CodeChallenge() (r string, exists bool) {
v := m.code_challenge
if v == nil {
return *v, true
// OldCodeChallenge returns the old "code_challenge" field's value of the DeviceToken entity.
// If the DeviceToken object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database.
// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails.
func (m *DeviceTokenMutation) OldCodeChallenge(ctx context.Context) (v string, err error) {
if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) {
return v, errors.New("OldCodeChallenge is only allowed on UpdateOne operations")
if == nil || m.oldValue == nil {
return v, errors.New("OldCodeChallenge requires an ID field in the mutation")
oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx)
if err != nil {
return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldCodeChallenge: %w", err)
return oldValue.CodeChallenge, nil
// ResetCodeChallenge resets all changes to the "code_challenge" field.
func (m *DeviceTokenMutation) ResetCodeChallenge() {
m.code_challenge = nil
// SetCodeChallengeMethod sets the "code_challenge_method" field.
func (m *DeviceTokenMutation) SetCodeChallengeMethod(s string) {
m.code_challenge_method = &s
// CodeChallengeMethod returns the value of the "code_challenge_method" field in the mutation.
func (m *DeviceTokenMutation) CodeChallengeMethod() (r string, exists bool) {
v := m.code_challenge_method
if v == nil {
return *v, true
// OldCodeChallengeMethod returns the old "code_challenge_method" field's value of the DeviceToken entity.
// If the DeviceToken object wasn't provided to the builder, the object is fetched from the database.
// An error is returned if the mutation operation is not UpdateOne, or the database query fails.
func (m *DeviceTokenMutation) OldCodeChallengeMethod(ctx context.Context) (v string, err error) {
if !m.op.Is(OpUpdateOne) {
return v, errors.New("OldCodeChallengeMethod is only allowed on UpdateOne operations")
if == nil || m.oldValue == nil {
return v, errors.New("OldCodeChallengeMethod requires an ID field in the mutation")
oldValue, err := m.oldValue(ctx)
if err != nil {
return v, fmt.Errorf("querying old value for OldCodeChallengeMethod: %w", err)
return oldValue.CodeChallengeMethod, nil
// ResetCodeChallengeMethod resets all changes to the "code_challenge_method" field.
func (m *DeviceTokenMutation) ResetCodeChallengeMethod() {
m.code_challenge_method = nil
// Where appends a list predicates to the DeviceTokenMutation builder.
func (m *DeviceTokenMutation) Where(ps ...predicate.DeviceToken) {
m.predicates = append(m.predicates, ps...)
@ -4015,7 +4089,7 @@ func (m *DeviceTokenMutation) Type() string {
// order to get all numeric fields that were incremented/decremented, call
// AddedFields().
func (m *DeviceTokenMutation) Fields() []string {
fields := make([]string, 0, 6)
fields := make([]string, 0, 8)
if m.device_code != nil {
fields = append(fields, devicetoken.FieldDeviceCode)
@ -4034,6 +4108,12 @@ func (m *DeviceTokenMutation) Fields() []string {
if m.poll_interval != nil {
fields = append(fields, devicetoken.FieldPollInterval)
if m.code_challenge != nil {
fields = append(fields, devicetoken.FieldCodeChallenge)
if m.code_challenge_method != nil {
fields = append(fields, devicetoken.FieldCodeChallengeMethod)
return fields
@ -4054,6 +4134,10 @@ func (m *DeviceTokenMutation) Field(name string) (ent.Value, bool) {
return m.LastRequest()
case devicetoken.FieldPollInterval:
return m.PollInterval()
case devicetoken.FieldCodeChallenge:
return m.CodeChallenge()
case devicetoken.FieldCodeChallengeMethod:
return m.CodeChallengeMethod()
return nil, false
@ -4075,6 +4159,10 @@ func (m *DeviceTokenMutation) OldField(ctx context.Context, name string) (ent.Va
return m.OldLastRequest(ctx)
case devicetoken.FieldPollInterval:
return m.OldPollInterval(ctx)
case devicetoken.FieldCodeChallenge:
return m.OldCodeChallenge(ctx)
case devicetoken.FieldCodeChallengeMethod:
return m.OldCodeChallengeMethod(ctx)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown DeviceToken field %s", name)
@ -4126,6 +4214,20 @@ func (m *DeviceTokenMutation) SetField(name string, value ent.Value) error {
return nil
case devicetoken.FieldCodeChallenge:
v, ok := value.(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name)
return nil
case devicetoken.FieldCodeChallengeMethod:
v, ok := value.(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %T for field %s", value, name)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("unknown DeviceToken field %s", name)
@ -4217,6 +4319,12 @@ func (m *DeviceTokenMutation) ResetField(name string) error {
case devicetoken.FieldPollInterval:
return nil
case devicetoken.FieldCodeChallenge:
return nil
case devicetoken.FieldCodeChallengeMethod:
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("unknown DeviceToken field %s", name)
@ -142,6 +142,14 @@ func init() {
devicetokenDescStatus := devicetokenFields[1].Descriptor()
// devicetoken.StatusValidator is a validator for the "status" field. It is called by the builders before save.
devicetoken.StatusValidator = devicetokenDescStatus.Validators[0].(func(string) error)
// devicetokenDescCodeChallenge is the schema descriptor for code_challenge field.
devicetokenDescCodeChallenge := devicetokenFields[6].Descriptor()
// devicetoken.DefaultCodeChallenge holds the default value on creation for the code_challenge field.
devicetoken.DefaultCodeChallenge = devicetokenDescCodeChallenge.Default.(string)
// devicetokenDescCodeChallengeMethod is the schema descriptor for code_challenge_method field.
devicetokenDescCodeChallengeMethod := devicetokenFields[7].Descriptor()
// devicetoken.DefaultCodeChallengeMethod holds the default value on creation for the code_challenge_method field.
devicetoken.DefaultCodeChallengeMethod = devicetokenDescCodeChallengeMethod.Default.(string)
keysFields := schema.Keys{}.Fields()
_ = keysFields
// keysDescID is the schema descriptor for id field.
@ -8,12 +8,14 @@ import (
/* Original SQL table:
create table device_token
device_code text not null primary key,
status text not null,
token blob,
expiry timestamp not null,
last_request timestamp not null,
poll_interval integer not null
device_code text not null primary key,
status text not null,
token blob,
expiry timestamp not null,
last_request timestamp not null,
poll_interval integer not null,
code_challenge text default '' not null,
code_challenge_method text default '' not null
@ -38,6 +40,12 @@ func (DeviceToken) Fields() []ent.Field {
@ -605,8 +605,11 @@ func (c *conn) CreateDeviceToken(t storage.DeviceToken) error {
func (c *conn) GetDeviceToken(deviceCode string) (t storage.DeviceToken, err error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultStorageTimeout)
defer cancel()
err = c.getKey(ctx, keyID(deviceTokenPrefix, deviceCode), &t)
return t, err
var dt DeviceToken
if err = c.getKey(ctx, keyID(deviceTokenPrefix, deviceCode), &dt); err == nil {
t = toStorageDeviceToken(dt)
func (c *conn) listDeviceTokens(ctx context.Context) (deviceTokens []DeviceToken, err error) {
@ -281,6 +281,8 @@ type DeviceToken struct {
Expiry time.Time `json:"expiry"`
LastRequestTime time.Time `json:"last_request"`
PollIntervalSeconds int `json:"poll_interval"`
CodeChallenge string `json:"code_challenge,omitempty"`
CodeChallengeMethod string `json:"code_challenge_method,omitempty"`
func fromStorageDeviceToken(t storage.DeviceToken) DeviceToken {
@ -291,6 +293,8 @@ func fromStorageDeviceToken(t storage.DeviceToken) DeviceToken {
Expiry: t.Expiry,
LastRequestTime: t.LastRequestTime,
PollIntervalSeconds: t.PollIntervalSeconds,
CodeChallenge: t.PKCE.CodeChallenge,
CodeChallengeMethod: t.PKCE.CodeChallengeMethod,
@ -302,5 +306,9 @@ func toStorageDeviceToken(t DeviceToken) storage.DeviceToken {
Expiry: t.Expiry,
LastRequestTime: t.LastRequestTime,
PollIntervalSeconds: t.PollIntervalSeconds,
PKCE: storage.PKCE{
CodeChallenge: t.CodeChallenge,
CodeChallengeMethod: t.CodeChallengeMethod,
@ -802,6 +802,8 @@ type DeviceToken struct {
Expiry time.Time `json:"expiry"`
LastRequestTime time.Time `json:"last_request"`
PollIntervalSeconds int `json:"poll_interval"`
CodeChallenge string `json:"code_challenge,omitempty"`
CodeChallengeMethod string `json:"code_challenge_method,omitempty"`
// DeviceTokenList is a list of DeviceTokens.
@ -826,6 +828,8 @@ func (cli *client) fromStorageDeviceToken(t storage.DeviceToken) DeviceToken {
Expiry: t.Expiry,
LastRequestTime: t.LastRequestTime,
PollIntervalSeconds: t.PollIntervalSeconds,
CodeChallenge: t.PKCE.CodeChallenge,
CodeChallengeMethod: t.PKCE.CodeChallengeMethod,
return req
@ -838,5 +842,9 @@ func toStorageDeviceToken(t DeviceToken) storage.DeviceToken {
Expiry: t.Expiry,
LastRequestTime: t.LastRequestTime,
PollIntervalSeconds: t.PollIntervalSeconds,
PKCE: storage.PKCE{
CodeChallenge: t.CodeChallenge,
CodeChallengeMethod: t.CodeChallengeMethod,
@ -927,12 +927,12 @@ func (c *conn) CreateDeviceRequest(d storage.DeviceRequest) error {
func (c *conn) CreateDeviceToken(t storage.DeviceToken) error {
_, err := c.Exec(`
insert into device_token (
device_code, status, token, expiry, last_request, poll_interval
device_code, status, token, expiry, last_request, poll_interval, code_challenge, code_challenge_method
values (
$1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6
$1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8
t.DeviceCode, t.Status, t.Token, t.Expiry, t.LastRequestTime, t.PollIntervalSeconds,
t.DeviceCode, t.Status, t.Token, t.Expiry, t.LastRequestTime, t.PollIntervalSeconds, t.PKCE.CodeChallenge, t.PKCE.CodeChallengeMethod,
if err != nil {
if c.alreadyExistsCheck(err) {
@ -972,10 +972,10 @@ func (c *conn) GetDeviceToken(deviceCode string) (storage.DeviceToken, error) {
func getDeviceToken(q querier, deviceCode string) (a storage.DeviceToken, err error) {
err = q.QueryRow(`
status, token, expiry, last_request, poll_interval
status, token, expiry, last_request, poll_interval, code_challenge, code_challenge_method
from device_token where device_code = $1;
`, deviceCode).Scan(
&a.Status, &a.Token, &a.Expiry, &a.LastRequestTime, &a.PollIntervalSeconds,
&a.Status, &a.Token, &a.Expiry, &a.LastRequestTime, &a.PollIntervalSeconds, &a.PKCE.CodeChallenge, &a.PKCE.CodeChallengeMethod,
if err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
@ -1002,11 +1002,13 @@ func (c *conn) UpdateDeviceToken(deviceCode string, updater func(old storage.Dev
status = $1,
token = $2,
last_request = $3,
poll_interval = $4
poll_interval = $4,
code_challenge = $5,
code_challenge_method = $6
device_code = $5
device_code = $7
r.Status, r.Token, r.LastRequestTime, r.PollIntervalSeconds, r.DeviceCode,
r.Status, r.Token, r.LastRequestTime, r.PollIntervalSeconds, r.PKCE.CodeChallenge, r.PKCE.CodeChallengeMethod, r.DeviceCode,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("update device token: %v", err)
@ -281,4 +281,14 @@ var migrations = []migration{
add column obsolete_token text default '';`,
stmts: []string{
alter table device_token
add column code_challenge text not null default '';`,
alter table device_token
add column code_challenge_method text not null default '';`,
@ -427,4 +427,5 @@ type DeviceToken struct {
Expiry time.Time
LastRequestTime time.Time
PollIntervalSeconds int
Add table
Reference in a new issue