When you are working on dex it's convenient to use the `--no-db` flag. This starts up dex in a mode which uses an in-memory datastore for persistence. It also does not rotate keys, so no overlord is required.
In this mode you provide the binary with paths to files for connectors, users, and emailer. There are example files you can use inside of `static/fixtures` named *"connectors.json.sample"*, *"users.json.sample"*, and *"emailer.json.sample"*, respectively.
Once binaries are compiled you can build and push a dex image to quay.io. Before doing this step binaries must be built above using one of the build tools.
By default the script pushes to `quay.io/coreos/dex`; if you want to push to a different repository, override the `DOCKER_REGISTRY` and `DOCKER_REPO` environment variables.
The functional tests require a database; create a database (eg. `createdb dex_func_test`) and then pass it as an environment variable to the functional test script, eg. `DEX_TEST_DSN=postgres://localhost/dex_func_test?sslmode=disable ./test-functional`
To run these tests with Docker is a little trickier; you need to have a container running Postgres, and then you need to link that container to the container running your tests:
dex uses [godep](https://github.com/tools/godep) for vendoring external dependencies. This section details how to add and update those dependencies.
Before continuing, please ensure you have the **latest version** of godep available in your PATH.
go get -u github.com/tools/godep
### Preparing your GOPATH
Godep assumes code uses the [standard Go directory layout](https://golang.org/doc/code.html#Organization) with the GOPATH environment variable. Developers who use a different workflow (for instance, prefer working from `~/src/dex`) should see [rkt's documentation](https://github.com/coreos/rkt/blob/master/Documentation/hacking.md#having-the-right-directory-layout-ie-gopath) for workarounds.
Godep determines depdencies using the GOPATH, not the vendored code in the Godeps directory. The first step is to "restore" your GOPATH to match the vendored state of dex. From dex's top level directory run:
godep restore -v
Next, continue to either *Adding a new package* or *Updating an existing package*.
### Adding a new package
After adding a new `import` to dex source, godep will automatically detect it and update the vendored code. Once code changes are finalized, bring the dependency into your GOPATH and save the state:
go get github.com/mavricknz/ldap # Replace with your dependency.
godep save ./...
Note that dex does **not** rewrite import paths like other CoreOS projects.
## Updating an existing package
After restoring your GOPATH, update the dependency in your GOPATH to the version you wish to check in.
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/lib/pq # Replace with your dependency.
git checkout origin master
Then, move to dex's top level directory and run:
godep update github.com/lib/pq
To update a group of packages, use the `...` notation.
godep update github.com/coreos/go-oidc/...
## Finalizing your change
Use git to ensure the Godeps directory has updated only your target packages.
Changes to the Godeps directory should be added as a separate commit from other changes for readability: